'666 LONDON.
Roger de la Legh, dean of this cathedral, held this
stall. Joiiv de Leicester, circa I2<Si, and [289. Henry Brands, vel Branke, held this stall, but the
time of his admission is not known. Saracen de Urbb; the time of his holding this stall
has not been ascertained. Robert di Donnsbri sg held this stall in 1315 Geoffrey de Eyton, collated iv Id. Apr. fiothj
Gerald i>k Cam n 1 aufl or Cantelauta, xiv Kal. Feb.
( 19th Jan.) [32; W'ai n 1 de London, of ir^.--. held this stall
circa 133 1 1 J36. Ivo DE (iii M(iN. presented 10th June 1344"'.
Pi 11 b in. Wotton: the King ratified his appoint- ment 14th Nov. 1348 ".
William di Wenlock : the King ratified his appoint- ment 1 ^> 1 1 1 Not. 1 J62
Michael de Northbdrgh, appointed z:m\ April i 3 6 3
Reginald Braybroke, 18th May [392**, per mortem Wenlock.
Ill*; H COTINGHAM, I lth Nov. 13^4
Robert .Mam i id, 19th Feb. 1409-10, vice Coting- ham deceased.
Tiioma- in. i. a Pole, 18th June 14 1 9, vice Manfeld deceased 46 .
Jons Burdet, 1 3th July 1433, vice De la Pole decoased.
��36 Pat. 8 Edw. II. p. 1. " Reg. Sudbury, f. 64. et Pat.
3 " The King also gave him this 37 Edw. III. p. 1. rn. 18. The
stall by patent, dated 14th April King revoked this presentation
1325. ,-,th July 1363, because he had
W Keg. Baudake, f. 61. previously ratified William de
39 Ibid. f. 65. Wenlock in the same prebend.
40 Pat. 18 Edw. III. p. 2. m.49. ** Reg. Braybroke, f. 95. Brad. Comp. Hist. vol. li. 245. -^ Ibid. f. 126.
Pat. 22 Edw. III. 4 Reg. Dec. et Cap. f. 64.
42 Pat. 36 Edw. III. p. a.m. 3.
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