Robert Kyrkham, 29th Jan. 1448-9 4 " : appointment ratified 26th March 1450 48 .
John Alcock, LL.D., 16th Dec. 1468, vice Kyrkham resigned .
William Dudley, dean of the Chapel Royal, 20th Feb. 14723, vice Alcock resigned". He became arch- deacon of* .Middlesex.
John- Davison, dean of Wmdaor, 30th Nov. 1473
Richard Fox, LL.B., secretary to Henry V 1 1 ' ., 26th Oct. 14N5 -. He was successively bishop of Exeter, Bath and Wells, Durham and Winton.
Tin ) mas Jan, D.D., 1 ith April 1487 bi . He was arch- deacon of Essex, and became bishop of Norwich.
John Pf.kott, B.D., 28th Oct. 1499 .
Thomas Hulse held this stall at his death in 1515 55 .
William Warham, .29th Nov. 1515 56 . He was arch- deacon of Canterbury.
William Halsey held this stall at the time of his death in 1530-3 1 37 .
Thomas Whitehead, B.D., 10th Feb. 1530 31 58 .
Gilbert Bourne, S.T.B., 7th Nov. 1548 -'J. He re- signed this stall on his promotion to the see of Bath and Wells.
Henry Wotton, A.M., 25th July 1554 60 .
Robert Harrington held this stall at his death in j6io 61 .
John Barcham or Barkam, S.T.B., 31st Oct. 1610, vice Harrington deceased 62 . Ob. 25th March 1642.
Thomas Singleton resigned this stall in 1614 63 .
Isaac Singleton, presented 22nd April 16T4 64 .
47 Reg. Gilbert, f. 210. 56 Reg. Fitz- James, f. 61.
48 Pat. 28 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 3. V Reg. Stokesley, f. 7.
49 Reg. Kempe, f. 115. 68 Ibid.
50 Ibid. f. 132. 5 Reg. Bonner, f. 164. Ibid. f. 142. 60 ibid. f. 454.
52 Ibid. f. 204. 61 Reg. Lond.
53 Ibid. f. 212. 62 R e g. Bancroft, f. 148.
54 Reg. Hill, f. 34. 63 ibid. f. 178. 65 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 61. 64 ibid.
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