Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/100

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94 YORK. of Aegilberht, and after a fruitless attempt to obtain possession, ^ViH^e(^ was obliged to retire to his mo- nastery of Ripon. In 667 Ceadda resigned the see to 667 WiMUKD, who held it till 678; but having given offence by his pompous style of living, he was then driven out, and his vast diocese, which included the whole north of England, was divided into the sees of York, Lindisfarne, Hexham, and Ripon. 678 Rosa was appointed to York, and, though Wilfred made several attempts to regain possession, by ap- pealing to Rome, held the see till his death". 2nd Oct. 705. 705 JoHX OF Bkvkuley, bisJiop of Hexham y was appointed to York in 705. He resigned the see in 718, and was succeeded by his chaplain 718 WilfrkdII in 718. He resigned the see in 732, and 732 EcGBERHT, brother of Eadberht king of Northumbria*^, became bishop of York in 732*'. During his presulate York again became an archiepiscopal see in 735 Ho died 19th Nov. 766^', and was buried near the King his brother in the church porch at York. 767 Aethelberht^"^ or Ccena'-^ was elected in 766, and consecrated 26th April 767. He died 22nd Dec. 780'*. " Several of the dates relatinpr writers gpve 18th Nov., and one to the presulates of Wilfred and 29th Nov. Hosa are exceedinfjjly doubtful, '2 Sax.Chrou. et Flor.Wi^orn. and some writers h.ive asserted ad an. 766. Alherht, 24th May that Wilfu'd was restored to 767. Sim. Dunelm. ad an. York, on liis second return from Malmesbury does not enumerate exile, but they have confounded him amoi){^ the archbishoj)s of him with Wilfred II. York. H Malmes. >» MS.Vesp. B. vi. Tiber. B.v. • The Saxon Chronicle says CCC. Cant, clxxxiii. et Hor. 734. Some authorities say 735, Wigorn. and others 743. *•* Chron. .Mailr. Sax. Chron. "* Sim. Dunelm. Chron.Mailr. Sim. Dunelm. et lloved. Flo- at Hoveden. rence assigns his death to the " Saxon Chron. rior.Wigorn. following year. Sim. Dunelm. et lloved. Other