Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/104

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98 VOKK J 109 9 Heu. I. 1 joo Gkii AKi), bishop of Ilfrefordj was translated to ^"^ork in 1 lltn. I. Tioo. He (lied May 1108 at Southwell, and was buried at the entrance of the porch of the church of York, but liis bones were removed into the church by his successor. Thomas '"^ , provost of Beverley and hlsJiop elect of London^ but before consecration thereto ho was elected to York^^, to which latter see he was consecrated on Sunday 27th June (v Cal. Jul.) 1 109, at St. Paul's cathedral, London '^•^ He received his pall ist Aug.^ lie died 24th Feb. i 1 13—14, and was buried in York cathedral. THnisTAN, a canon of St. PauVs^ was elected at VV'in- 20 Hen. I. Chester 15th Aug. 1114*^^, but refusing to receive consecration from the archbishop of Canterbury, that ceremony was performed by the Pope 19th Oct. (xiv Cal. Nov.) IT 19^^. He resigned his see at Pontefract, where he became a monk, 21st Jan. 1139-40'*', and died 5th Feb. (Non. Feb.) following, and was buried at Pontefract '^ Henry de Coim.i'^*^, a nephew of king Stephen., was 1119 precedency arose in this bishop's time : ** Omni vita honestus ; Ecm])cr })encfaciens in honore, nisi quod primo archiepiscopatus sui tempore in causa primatus Cantuari.T certavit ; dicens se nolle Cantuariensi electo Lan- franco professionem facere, ut debebat." Hist. Conlrovers. in- ter sedes Cantuar. et Eborac. de Primatu. '• Sim. Dunelm. Hoved. et Rad. de Diceto, Abb. C'bron. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 67. •'•' Neplu'w of his predecessor of the same name.

  • 8 Act. Pontif. Eborac. Thorn.

Stubl)s. •'•'* Sim. Dunelm. Hoved. Rad. de Diceto, Abb. Chron. ^^ Hoveden. ^^ Sim. Dunelm. et Rog. Wendover. The 19th and 25th Feb. have also been given as the day of his decease. ^ Die Assumptionis Beatap MaricT apud Wynloniam. Sim. Dunelm. et Hoveden. '•'^ Sim. Dunelm. et Contin. IHoren. ^ His resignation is said by some to have taken place 25th Jan, " die convcfSionis S. Pauli." Thom. Stubbs. col. 1720. ^^ Hoveden. f. 277 et Flor. Wigorn. C.'ontinuat. Some say that he died nth Feb. ^*' Called also Henry de Sodle and Henrv (K* (Villi.