ARCHBISHOPS. 99 elected, but the Pope refused to confirm the election, unless the archbishop elect would resign his abbacy^" of Caen in Normandy. William Fitzherbert, treasurer of York^ was then chosen 68, and consecrated at Winchester by the bishop of Winchester, Theobald archbishop of Canterbury refusing to confirm the election 6^, 26th Sept. 1144, but on his going to Rome for his pall he was deprived of his office by pope Eugenius HI^^, on the ground that he was neither canonically elected nor conse- crated but intruded into the see by royal authority 7 1. The chapter then proceeded to another election, and Hilary, afterwards bishop of Chichester, and Henry Murdac, abbot of Fountains, were chosen, the former by the majority ; but the Pope, in the plenitude of his power, promoted 1147 Henry Murdac to the vacant see, and consecrated 13 Steph. him 7th Dec. 114772. He died at Beverley 7^ (prid. Id. Oct.) 14th Oct. 11537^ and was buried in York cathedral. ^7 Nisi Abbatia Kadomensi prius resignata. Sim. Dunelm. Continuat. col. 268. ^^ " Quibusdam consentienti- bus, alils dissentientibus."
- '-♦ Theobaldus Cantuariensis
archiepiscopus electione sic facta nuUatenus consentiret; frater re- gis Henricus Wyntoniensis epi- Bcopus et apostolicae sedis lega- tus, praesumptuose ipsum elec- tum apud Wyntoniam consecra- vit (vd Cal. Octob.) Hist. Con- trovers, inter sedes Cantuar. et Eborac. de Primatii. 7 Sim. Dunelm. Continuat. col. 275. 71 Clerici Kboracensis Kcdc- fiiae. . .dicentes eum nequc cano- niceelectum nee con8ecratum,8ed Regiaauctoritateintrunum. llnde prfefatusWillielmus convictus et depositus ab Alberico episcopo Ostiensi pronuntiante taliter et dicente, Decernimus auctoritate apostolica Willelmum Eboracen- sem archiepiscopum a pontificatu disponendum ; eoquod Stephanus Rex Angliae eum ante electionem canonicam nominavit. Hist. Controv. 7^ Chron. Mailr. et apud civi- tatemTreveriis in Octabis Sanctae Andrccje Dominica secunda Ad- ventus Domini. Sim. Dunelm. Continuat. 7-' Apud Schirebornc. Act. Pontif. 'I'hom. Stubbs. 7-4 Moved, f. 2S I. Chron. Mnilr. et Diceto. But the (Jontinuator of Simeon of Durham says 1 154. o 2