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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/11

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BISHOPS. 5 863 Alhfrithus^s or Aethelred^^. Ob. in 871. 871 DUNBERTUS^O or TuNBERHT. Ob. ill 879. 879 Deneuulf^^ He governed this see twenty-four years and died in 903. After his death the see was vacant seve7i years. 910 Frithestan^^^ Ql3^ loth Sept. 931. 932 BiRNSTAN"*^ was consecrated iv Cal. Jun. (29th May) 932. He died ist Nov. 934^*, having governed the see two years and five months. 935 Aelfheah^ surnamed the Bald, succeeded in 935^. Ob. die festo Sancti Gregorii an. 95 1 . 951 Alsixe, Aei.fsige^7 or Alfsin became bishop of Win- chester in 951, and was translated to Canterbury in 958- 958 Brithelmus'^s was consecrated on the eve of St. An- drew (29th Nov.) 958, and died in 963. 963 Athelwold^^ was consecrated bishop of this see by 861 Sax. Chron. Hoveden and others place his death in 863. 38 MS. Vesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. v.jC.C.C. Cant, clxxxiii., et Flor. Wig. Alfrithus, Malmes. God- win calls him Adferthus, Le Neve Ardferth or Athelred. 39 See archbishops of Canter- bury. 40 Malmes. Omitted in Vesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. v., et C.C.C. Cant, clxxxiii., and also in Flo- rence of Worcester, but occurs in some copies of that author as Tunberht and Tunbriht. Tho- mas Rudborne (Hist. Maj. Win- ton.) also calls him Tumbert. Godwin calls him Dumbertus. 41 MS. Vesp. B.vi., Tiber. B. v., et C.C.C. Cant, clxxxiii., Flo- rence et Malmes. After Dene- uulf, Godwin inserts the names of Athklmis and Bp:rtulfus; but they do not occur in the Saxon Chronicle, Florence, Mal- mesbury, or in the Cotton MSS. of Vesp. B. vi., or Tiber. B. v. &c., nor in Rudborne, Hist. Maj. Winton. 42 MS. Vesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. v., et Flor.Wigorn. Frethstanus, Malmes. 43 Ibid. 44 Sax. Chron. et Flor.Wigorn. 45 MS. Vesp. B.vi., Tiber. B. v., Sax. Chron. and several MSS. of Florence ; Alpheavus Calvus, Flor. Wigorn. ; Elphegus, Mal- mes. 46 Sax. Chron. et Flor.Wigorn. 47 MS. Vesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. V. Elfsius, Malmes. ; Aelfsius, Flor. Wigorn. Le Neve calls him Alfsius or Elsinus. 48 Omitted in Vesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. v., et Flor. Wigorn.; but occurs in Malmesbury, Si- meon and Moveden. 4'.* MS. Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. H.v. Kthelwaldus, Hor. Wigorn.