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archbishop Dunstan in 963. He died 31 st July (pridie Calendas Augusti[1]), 1st Aug. (Calendis Augusti[2].) 984.

984 Aelfah[3], Alfheaii or Elphege was consecrated xiv Cal. Nov. (19th Oct.) 984, and enthroned 28th Oct. He was translated to Canterbury in 1006.

1006 Kenulf[4] abbot of Peterborough. Ob. 1009[5]

1009 Athelwold[6] or Brihtwold[7] succeeded in 1009. Ob. in 101[8].

J015 Elfsige[9] or Alsine succeeded in 1015. Ob. in 1032[10].

1032 Aelfwixe[11] or Alwyne succeeded in 1032. Ob. 29th Aug. 1047[12].

1047 Stigand, bishop of Elmham, translated to Winchester by king Edward[13] He usurped the see of Canterbury circa 1052, and held it with AVinchcster till the year 1070, when he was deprived of both and degraded [14].

1070 5 Will. I. Walcelin or Walkelin[15] was nominated to the bishopric of Winchester by the King on Whitsunday 23rd May 1070[16], and he was consecrated the Sunday

  1. Iloveden.
  2. Flor. Wigorn. et Chron. Mailros.
  3. MS. Vesp. W. vi. ct Tiber. B. V. Alpheagus martir, Flor. Wigorn.; Elphegus, Godwin; Elphegc, Le Neve.
  4. ,MS. Vesp. B.vi., Tiber. B. v., et Flor. Wigorn.
  5. Hie Kenulphus sedit tribus annis non plcnt^. Th. Rudborne. Hist. Maj. Winton.
  6. MS. Vesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. v., et Flor. Wigorn.
  7. Brithwohhib, Sax. Chron.
  8. Flor. Wigorn. var. lect.
  9. MS.Vesp.B.vi., Tiber. B.v. Alfsius, Flor. Wigorn.; Aelfsige, Sax. Chron. Le Neve calls him Elsinus or Eadsinus.
  10. Sax. Chron. Godwin and Le Neve erroneously state that he was translated to Canterbury in 1038. See Wharton's note on this subject ni Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 322.
  11. Sax. Chron. Alfwinus,Flor. Wigorn. ; Klwinus, Malmes. ; Alwyn, IjC Neve.
  12. Sax. Chron.
  13. Ibid, ad ann. 1047.
  14. Malmes. et Sim. Dunelm.
  15. Flor. Wigorn. et Sim. Dunelm. Walkelinus, Malmes.; Walchelmus, Hen. Hunt.
  16. Sim. Dunelm. : Consecratus Dominica sequenti ab.Armenfeido