Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/110

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104 YORK. archbifihop vice William ^Vick^vane issued iznd Sept. iicS^'^, in pursuance of which 1286 John le Romain^, canon of York and precentor of 14 Edw. I. Lincoln:-^^ was elected (iv Cal. Nov.) 29th Oct. 1285, and the chapter the next day inform the King of their choice^*. He obtained the royal assent to his election 15th Nov.'-'^ and was consecrated by the Pope at Rome loth Feb. 1285-6-'. The temporalities were restored to him 12th April following-'. He died i ith March 1 295-6 ■^ at liurton near lieverley, and was bu- ried in York cathedral-^. The conge d'elire vice John le Romain issued 26th March 1296 '^7. In pursuance of which 1298 Henry de Newerk, dean of York^ was elected (Non. 26Edw.I. Maii) 7th May 1296^^, and obtained the royal assent 5th June-^. The temporalities were restored to him 22nd June 1297-^^, and he was consecrated at York 15th June 1298=^1. He died at the latter end of Aug. 1299'^^, and was buried in his own cathedral. The license to elect an archbishop in the room of Henry de Newerk issued 5th Sept. i299^ ^"^ 1300 Thomas de Corbridge, canon of York and prebendary aSEdw. I. of Lincoln, was elected (ii Id. Nov.) 12th Nov. 1299"", and obtained the royal assent to his election on the 1 6th of the same month •^•'•. He was consecrated at •*< Pat. 13 Edw. I. in. 4. Leland, bore this inscription: I'J John the Roman, so called Johannes Romanus. obiit 1295. from bt'inf^ born at Rome. -" Pat. 24 Edw. I. m. 19. 20 Re^-Wickham. 2» Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. 21 Lett, in Turr. Lond. H. 9. ^ Pat. 34 Edw. I. m. 14. 22 Pat. 13 Edw. I. m. I. ^ Pat. 25 Edw. I. p. i. m. 2. 23 Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. ^i yber Vacat. Archiej). f. 16. col. 1727. *^ Browne Willis says 15th 24 Pat. 14 Edw. I. m. 18. Aug. 1299. Hut he certainly 2ft Browne Willis states that was ahve on the i "th of that this prelate died 8th March month. 1295-6. '^^ Pat. 27 Edw. I. m. 23. 2« Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. -^ Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. His gravestone, according to •"** Pat. 27 Edw. 1. m. 2.