ARCHBISHOPS. 105 Rome (iii Cal. Marc.) 28th Feb. 1 299-1300, and re- ceived the temporalities 30th April following 3^. He died at Lanham in co. Nottingham 22nd Sept. 1304, and was buried in the collegiate church of Southwell '7 under a plain altar-tomb in the middle of the choir, which had his effigies in brass engraved on it, long since torn off and defaced. On 19th Oct. 1304 the royal license issued ^s for the election of an archbishop vice Thomas de Corbridge ; pursuant to which 1306 William de Grenefeld, deaji of Chichester and chmi- 34Edw. I. cellor of England, was elected 4th Dec. 1304 3^; he received the royal assent to his election on the 24th of the same month ^o, and started immediately for the court of Rome^ and the King wrote letters com- mendatory of him to the Pope 31st Dec.^^ ; but he was not able to obtain consecration before 30th Jan. 1305—6, and that ceremony was then performed by the Pope at Lyons^^. He returned to England im- mediately afterwards, and obtained the restitution of the temporahties 31st March 1305—6'*^. He died at Cawood 6th Dec. 13 15, and was buried in York ca- thedraH^ The dean and chapter of York had license to elect an archbishop in the room of William de Grenefeld 13th Dec. 1315^^; in pursuance of which 3* Pat. 28 Edw. I. m. 17. lio suo ibidem quod oportuit ip- 37 Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. sura pro negotio electionis prae- 38 Pat. 32 Edw. I. m. 3. dictae dieJovis proxime sequenti 39 Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. versus curiam Romanam arripere ^ Pat. 33 Edw. I. p. I. m. 21. iter suum, &c. 41 Glaus. 33 Edw. I. m. 22, in ^ Ibid. The King also wrote dorso. Memorandum quod ma- to the Pope another letter of the gister Willielmus de Grenefeld same date relative to the disputes canonicus Eborum et cancella- between the two sees of Ganter- riuB Regis in archiepiscopatum bury and York. Eborum electus, die Martis pro- ^ Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. xima post festumNataUs Domini, ^^ Pat. 34 P]dw. I. m. 32. videlicet, in festo sancti Thomse ^^ Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. martiris, anno regni Regis Ed- in the chapel of St. Nicholas in wardi tricesirao tertio, in camera the north transept, domini Regis apud Lincolniam ; ^^ Pat. 9 Edw. II. p. i. m. 13. dixit domino Regi, coram consi- VOL. III. i»