Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/114

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108 YORK. in Scotland"^; but the translation never took effect. He died an exile in Brabant at the latter end of May 1392. 1388 Thomas AitrNDKL, hishop of Eb/, was translated to i2Ric. II. York by papal provision 3rd April 1388"^ ; the King restored the temporalities to him 13th Sept."^ and on the following day he received his pall"-^ ; he was en- throned 25th March 1389, and he was translated to Canterbury by bull dated vii Cal. Oct. (25th Sept.) J396. 1397 RoBKiiT Waldbv, bishop of Chichester, having been 20 Ric. II. translated to York by papal bull, dated 5th Oct. 1396"*, obtained plenary restitution of the temporalities from the King 7th March 1396—77^, having had a grant of the custody of them 14th Jan. preceding"^. He died 6th Jan. 1397-8, and was buried in St. Edmund's chapel in Westminster Abbey"" under a large marble grave- stone bearing his effigies, and an inscription on a plate of brass. He had been bishop of Man, and afterwards ai'chbishop of Dublin. The King issued his license to elect an archbishop in the stead of Robert Waldby 17th Jan. 1397-8"^; in pursuance of which the dean and chapter of York, 4th March following, sought the King's assent to their choice of Walter, bishop of Durham ; but the election does not appear to have been perfected, for his Majesty, 23rd April, granted the temporalities of the see to William Lescrope, earl of Wiltshire, sir John Lescrope, sir Henry Le- scrope, and others "9; and shortly afterwards 1398 Richard Lescropk, bishop of Corentn/ and Lichfoldy 11 WW. II. xvjis translated to York by papal bull 2nd June 1398 and the temporalities of the see were restored to him "^ Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. in. 23, "* Pat. 20 Ric. IL p. 1. m. 1. etWalsingham. p. .-,7.3. 7*5 p^t, 20 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 3. 7> Orig. in Turr. Lond. '"7 Wecvcr, Browne Willis, and 72 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I . m. 22. L<» Neve say 29th May 1397. but "•^Anglia Sacra, pars i. p. 664. that must Ik- incorrect. '^ In Orig. in Tnrr. Lond. "" Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 7. Ponifacc IX. N". 9. '» Privy Seal. 21 Ric. II.