Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/113

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ARCHBISHOPS. 107 of protection for the new archbishop to come to Eng- land ^^, and on the 19th of that month restored the temporahties to him ^7. He died 19th July 1352, and was interred in York cathedral ^^. The license to elect an archbishop in the room of William la Zouche issued 25th July 1352^9, and 1353 John be Thoresby_, bishop of Worcester^ was elected 27 Edw. III. by the chapter of York to the archiepiscopal see 6°; the temporalities of which were restored to him 8th Feb. 1352-3 61. He was enthroned 8th Sept. 1354^^. He died at Bishopsthorpe 6th Nov. 1373^ and was buried in York cathedral in St. Mary's chapel behind the choir, on the beautifying of which he had expended a large sum of money ^-i. He was a Roman cardinal by the title of St. Peter ad Vincula. The license to elect an archbishop in the room of John de Thoresby issued 23rd Nov. 1373^^; notwithstanding which the Pope appointed 1 374 Alexander de Neville, canon of York and archdeacon 48 Edw. lU. of Durham^ by bull dated 3rd April 1374^^ ; he had however been elected by the chapter, and i st Jan.^^ preceding already obtained the royal assent ^7. The temporalities were restored to him 6th June follow- ing ^^'^; he having been consecrated two days before at Westminster 6' He was translated by papal bull 30th April 1388 to the archbishopric of St. Andrew's ^ Claus. 16 Edw. III. p. 2. inscription, " Johannes de Tho- rn. 30 in dorso, et Pat. 16 Edw. resby, quondam Menevensis, III. p. 2. m. 20. postquam Wigorniensis et Ebor. '^7 Pat. 16 Edw. III. p. 2. m.14. Archiepiscopus, qui fabrican . . ^«Act. Pont. Ebor.T. Stubbs. Obiit6 die Novem. A.D. 1373." before St. Edmund's altar. ^ Pat. 47 Edw. III. p. 2. m.19.

  • ^Pat. 26 Edw. III. p. 2. m.13. ^'* Orig. inTurr. Lond.

^ The Pope also issued his ^fi Browne Willis says 30th bull of provision 17th Nov. 1352. May 1374. Orig. in Turr. Lond. "'" Pat. 47 Edw. III. p. 2. m.4. '■'» Pat. 27Edw. Ill.p.i.m. 25. «« Pat. 48 Edw. III. p. 2. m.13. '"'2 Act. Pont. Ebor.T. Stubbs. ^'^ Reg. Nevil.

    • His gravestone bore this

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