Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/120

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114 YORK. A conge d'elire, vice Robert Holgate, issued 19th Feb. 1554-5'^-' ; in pursuance of which I 555 Nicholas Hkath, bishop o/lVorcesfer a?i(l chancellor of I & 2 P.cScM. Ennland^ was chosen, and as elect of York had a grant of the custody of the temporalities 26th March 1555'^°, and plenary restitution of them 17th Nov. following ^^ He had in the meanwhile obtained the Popes bull of confirmation-^-. He was deprived in the beginning of the reign of queen Elizabeth. The license to elect an archbishop in the room of Nicholas Heath is dated 25th July I 560 " ; by authority of which William May, LL.D., dean of St. Paid' Sy was elected, but he died 8th Aug. t 560, before he had received consecration •^•', and 1561 Thomas Young, bishop of Si. David's^ was elected 3 Eliz. in his stead 27th Jan. 1560— 61, and confirmed 25th Feb. The temporalities were restored to him 4th March "'. He died at Sheffiold 26th June 1568, and was buried in York cathedral'". It was not until ist April 1570, that the royal license issued to elect a successor to archbishop Young , in conformity with which, 1570 Edmund Grindal, bishop of London and principal of

2 Eliz. Ponbrol'e hally Cambridge j was elected archbishop of 

i.!',55, was proved 4th Dec. 1556. tion of Heath, were taken into Lib. Kitchin in Cur. J*rerog. the hands of the cliapter of Cantuar. York 3rd Feb. 1560. Nicholas -'» Pat. I & 2 Pliil. &: Mar. p. 1 . Heath died at Chobham in 1579, in. 13. and was buried there, but no ^ Ibid. m. 12. memorial of him appears to 31 Ibid. m. 34. have been there erected. '-'^'^ Dated xi C';U. Jul. yiml -'^ Pat. 2 Kliz. p. 14. m. 6. June) 1555. He received his ^ Reg. Kbor. He is said to |)all 3r(l Oct. following, and was have hoen elected 8th Aug. — the enthroned by i)roxy 22n(i .Ian. day of his deatli. 1555-6. •*'• Pat. 3 Kliz. J). 9, m. 34. ■^^ The spiritualities of tins •"'" Ex Kpitaphio. archbishopric, on the depriva- ^^ Pat. 12 Kliz. ]). 7. m. 18.