Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/123

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ARCHBISHOPS. 117 CO. Caernarvon, and was buried at Llandegay near Bangor. After his death tJie see remained vacant ten years. 1660 Accepted Frewen, hishop of Coventry and Lichfield^ 12 Car. II. was elected archbishop of York 22nd Sept. 1660, eon- firmed atWestminster in the chapel of king Henry VII, 4th Oct., and enthroned on the nth of the same month. He died at Bishopsthorp 28th March 1664, and was buried in York cathedral ^^. 1664 Richard Sterne, hishop of Carlisle, was translated to 16 Car. II. York in 1664, having been elected archbishop 28th April, and confirmed loth June following. He died 1 8th June 1683, setat. 87, and was buried in York cathedral ^^. 1683 John Dolben, bishop of Rochester, was elected arch- 35 Car. II. bishop of York 26th July 1683, and confirmed i6th Aug.6^ He died nth April 1686, and was buried in York cathedral. The see was void upwards of two years. 1688 Thomas Lamplugh, hishop of Exeter., was nominated 4 Jac. II. X ^th Nov., and elected to the archiepiscopal see of York^^* 28th Nov. 1688, confirmed 8th Dec.67, did his homage to the King on the following day, and was enthroned on the 1 9th of the same month. He died at Bishop.sthorp 5th May 1691, setat. 76, and was buried in York cathedraK^^. 1 691 John Sharp, S.T.P., dean of Canterbury ., having been 3W.&Mar. nominated 9th May, was elected archbishop of York 9th June 1691, was confirmed 2nd July, and conse- crated 5th July^^'^. He died at Bath 2nd Feb. 1713-14, and was buried in York cathedral. ^'^ E.x P^pitapliio. did his homage to the King 9th ^"^ Ihid. Dec. Lond. (iazette. ^^ Reg. Saner, f. 53. ^^ Kx Ki»ilaj)hio. '"'^ (yhurch Book, Home Office. '"'•♦ lleg. HUHp, Saner, f. 51, 7 Keg. Saner, f. 171. He and London (ia/ette.