Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/122

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116 YORK. and tlic temporalities 3rd April ^^. He died at Bi- slK)j).stliorp j6th Jan. 1605-6, and was buried in York cathedral . 1606 Tom AS ^Iatthkw, bishop of Durham, was elected to 4Jac. I. York 26th July 1606, confirmed in the chapel of Lambeth 28th Aug.' and enthroned by proxy j ith Sept. He died 29th March 1628, setat. 82, and was buried in York cathedral-". The conge (Telire vice archbishop Matthew is dated 5th June 1628^^, in pur- suance of which, 1628 (t E o It G K M o X T 1-: I G  !•: or M o i ' n t a 1 g n i : , b ish op of D a r- 4 Car. I. ham, was elected archbishop of York 26th June 1628, and received the royal assent on the 28th of the same month"'". He was confirmed ist July ^^, and on the J ith of that month the temporalities were restored to him"*-'. On 24th Oct. following he was enthroned, and he died soon afterwards ^^', and was buried in Cawood church. 1628 Sa.mukl Hausxet, bishop) of Xonnich, was elected 26th 4Car. 1. Nov. 1628, Confirmed 13th Jan. following '^^ and in- stalled by proxy 23rd April 1629. He died at More- ton-Marsh in Gloucestershire 25th May 1631, and was buried in Chigwell church, Essex. His will is dated 13th Feb. 1630-31. 1632 RicHAiiD Neylk, bishop of Winchester, was elected to 7 Car. 1. this see 28th Feb. 1631-2, confirmed 19th March, and enthroned by proxy 1 6th April following, and in person in Oct. 1632. He died 31st Oct. 1640, and was buried in York cathedral without any memorial. 1641 John Williams, bishop of Lincoln, ii9> translated to 17 (V. I. "S'ork 4th Dec. 1641, and was enthroned 27th June 1642-. He died 25th March 1650 at Glothaeth,

  • 2 Pat. 37 Eliz. p. 3. ID. 24. *® Rej?. Abbot, pars ii. f. 12.-,.

•'•^^ Kx Kpitanhio. *9 Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 36. N' 10. W Rojjr. han'cr. f. 44. ^^ Probably 6th Nov. 1628. '^ V. Kj)itaphi(). '•' l^K- Abl)ot, jvirs* ii. •'»*'• Pat. 4 ('ar. I. p. 36. N". 12. '^^ R<.j^. Y.hor. •'"" Ibid. N". f I.