Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/125

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ARCHBISHOPS. 119 his election 1 6th May ; he was confirmed on the 24th in St. George^s, Hanover square, and the temporaHties were restored to him on the 26th of that month 7 9. He died in 1761. 1761 Robert Hay Drummond, bishop of Salisbury^ was iGeo. IIT. elected archbishop of York 5th Oct. 176 1, and con- firmed 23rd Oct. in St. James's church, Westminster. He died loth Dec. 1776. 1777 AViLLiAM Markham, Mskop of Chester^ was elected i7Geo.lll. archbishop of York 8th Jan. 1777, and confirmed on the 20th of the same month. He died 3rd Nov. 1807. 1808 Edward Venables Vernon^", bishop of Carlisle^ was 47Geo.lIl. nominated by the King 26th Nov. 1807, and the usual conge d'elire and letter missive issued^' ist Dec.^'^ He was elected on the 9th, and the royal assent was given to his election 1 2th Dec. He was confirmed in St. James's church, Westminster, J9th Jan. 1808, and the temporalities were restored to him 20th Jan. He died 5th Nov. 1847, ^^tat. 90. 1847 Thomas Musgrave, bishop of Hereford^ was nominated n Vict. to the archbishopric of York 15th Nov. 1847, and the usual cong^ d'elire and letter missive were issued ^^. He was elected ist Dec. and the royal assent was given to his election 4th Dec. He was confirmed in St. James's church, Westminster, on the loth, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 23rd of that month. His lordship is the present holder of the see. This archbishopric is rated for first fruits at 1610^. The arms of the see are thus blazoned : Ruby, two keys in saltier, pearl ; in chief, a crown royal, topaz. 79 Church Book, Home Office. ^^ Church Book, Home Office. ^ He changed his name to ^2 London (iazette. Harcourt. ^'^ Church Book, Home Office.