BISHOPS. 1107 8 Hen. I. following^/. He died on Sunday 3rd Jan. 1097—8^^, and was buried in Winchester cathedral. The see of Winchester was vacant upwards of two years^"^. William Gyffard was appointed bishop of Win- chester by Henry the First in the year 11 00, but he was not consecrated until iii Id. Augusti (11th Aug.) 1107, owing to the King's dispute with the archbishop of Canterbury "0. He died viii Cal. Feb. (25th Jan.) 1128—9'^, and was buried in Winchester cathedral. Hexry of Blois, abbot of Glastonbury, king Stephen's 30 Hen. I.; brothei% was elected nth Oct. 1129, and consecrated bishop of Winchester 17th Nov. following 72. The exact time of his death is uncertain 73, but nearly all the chroniclers place it in 117174. 1174 Richard Toclive alias More 7^^ archdeacon of Poitiers^ 2oHen. TI. was elected ist May 117376, and, contrary to custom, was enthroned before consecration on Ascension-day (xVi Cal. Junii) T7th May 11 73 77; confirmed on the ist, and consecrated 6th Oct. 1 17478. The time of his 1 129 Sedunensi episcopo et legato apostolico. 67 Flor. AVigorn. 68 Sim. Dunelm. 69 Wilhelmus rex post mor- tem Walkelini tenuit episcopa- tum Wintoniensem in manu sua propria usque ad mortem ipsius, viz. ab anno Domini 1098 usque ad annum 1 100. Th. Rudb. Hist. Major. Winton. 70 Sim. Dunelm. Matt. Paris. Hoveden. 71 Plor. VVigorn. 72 XV Cal. Dec. (17th Nov.) Sim. Dunelm. et al. He had the custody of the bishopric of Lon- don with Winchester for some time. See London. 73 Obiit mense Septembri pro.xime sequente martyrium S. Thom8e.Cantuar.(viz. anno 1 171) (Gerald, de jure Menes. Eccl.) Obiit vi Cal. Augusti (27th July) 1 171. (Barthol. Cotton, in An- nal. Norvic.) vi Id. Aug. (8th Aug.) Hist. Glaston. v Id. Aug. (9th Aug.) Obit. Cantuar. 74 Browne Willis thinks that he was buried in the church of Ivinghoe in Berkshire, under an arch on the north side of the chancel, near the communion- table. 7^ He was also called Richard de Ivelcester, and Richard of Ilchester, and also Richard Ilokehn. 76 Thom. Rudb. Ann. Keel. Wint. "^"^ Ymag. Hist. 7^ Rad. de Diceto.