Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/134

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128 YORK. troversy between Luke, dean of St. Martin's, I^ondon, and Jolin de Ferentino, concerning the archdeaconry of Norwich, in 1228"^ SiMo i)K Sancto E(;ii)io or St. Giles was possessed of this dignity in 1241. RoGEK Pepyn held it in May 1255 "2. He died in 1266. William de Champvent was presented to this dignity by the King 8th Nov. 1266, vice Pepyn' ^ GiLHEUT DE Sarum hcKl the office in 1280. TiroMAs DE Wakefield was collated 20th May 1281. William de Blith or Blida was installed 22nd Nov. 1290 "». Peter de Insula was admitted 25th Feb. 1310"^. Pandulph de SABELLowas admitted j 2th Juno 131 1"^. lloBERT DE Appelby was presented by the King in Ursinus de Urbe held it in 1327. William de la Mark possessed it in the same year. Walter de Burton was installed 2nd Aug. 1328. William de Exon or Exeter was presented by tho King J 3th March 1337-8"^. William Wetewang was presented 25th July 1343"^. Urso held it in J 346. Andrew de Oeeord was appointed 24th Jan. 1347-8^. John de Pyrie was appointed i 2th April 1349^ William de Chambhe was appointed joth May ]349«^. William de Retford was appointed 4th July 1349'*-^, and installed 19th Feb. 1349-50. He died in 1372. His will was proved 20th April 1372. 71 Pat. 13 Hen. III. 111. 4. Kdw, II, m. 29 in dorso. 72 Pat. 39 Hen. III. '"8 Pat. 12 Kdw. III. p. i.m.20. '"•« Pat. 51 lien. III. in. 37. 79 Pat. 17 Kdw. III. 7-* Reg. Kbor. ** Pat. 2 1 Kdw. III. p. 3. m. 3. '^ Reg. Greenfield. 81 Pat. 23Kdw. III. p. i. m. 21 . 7« Ibid. « Ibid. ni. 7. Pat. 8 Kdw. II. j). i.etPal.9 *^ Ibid. p. 2. ni. 22.