Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/135

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SUBDEANS. 129 Thomas de Brandon was installed 26th March 1373 by proxy ; he held it 3rd July 1380. William de Monkton died possessed of this dignity in 1384. His will was proved 26th Nov. 1384. John de Waltham held it in 1384; he resigned the office on being made archdeacon of Richmond in Jan. 1384-5- Roger de Bakton or Bacon also held it in 1384. William de Holym, collated 12th Jan. 1385-6. Ralph de Selby, LL.D., held it in 1387 8^. John Evotts was admitted in 1392. Andrew Bondeby held it in 1393. John Mapurley was collated in 1409. He died the same year, and was buried in the hospital of Elsing Spittle, London. His will was proved nth June 1409. Richard Arnall was collated 19th Jan. 1409—10. He died 9th June 1441^^. Nicholas Clerk succeeded in 1441. William or John Spenser, also held this dignity in 1441, as did also John Bate ; he resigned it 1st May 1478. Henry Gillow was admitted 7th May 1478. His will, dated 8th Feb. 1482-3, was proved 29th April 1483. William Constable was collated 9th May 1483. He resigned it in 1484, on being made archdeacon of Cleveland. Thomas Pereson or Pearson, was appointed 16th Jan. 1484. Ho died 28th Oct. 1490^^ Edward Cresacre was admitted on the death of Pearson ; and he died possessed of it 31st March 1504". His will, dated i8th March 1503-4, was proved 3rd April 1504. Richard Rawlins was admitted ist Oct. 1504: void by the death of Edward Cressacro. Ho resigned it for the archdeaconry of Cleveland. ^ Pat. 1 1 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 34. ^ Ex Epitaphio. '*• Ex Kpitajihio. ^7 i|,i(l. VOL. in. s