ARCHDEACONS OF RICHMOND. 139 of Wilton in the diocese of Sarum, nth Jan. 1384-5, with John de Waltham, junior, who was admitted nth Jan. 1384-5, by way of exchange^"; confirmed by the King 15th Jan.6^ In 1388 he was made bishop of Salisbury. He was Master of the Rolls in 1388^9. Thomas de Dalby, archdeacon of Ely, by the King's presentation was installed 13th Sept. 1388 70; and again admitted by the King's letters 5th May 1396"!. He died 19th May"2 1400. His will was proved 20th May 1400, in which he orders his body to be buried about the middle of the nave of the cathedral ^3. Stephen le Scrope, junior, was collated by the arch- bishop 19th May, and installed by his proxy on the 22nd of the same month, 1400^. Nicholas Bubbewyth, one of the clerks in chancery^ by papal provision"^, was installed by his proxy 16th March 1401—2"^, and confirmed by the King '7. Two days afterwards he exchanged it for the prebend of Driffield with his predecessor Stephen le Scrope. Stephen le Scrope, junior, was again admitted to this dignity i8th March 1401-278, byway of exchange as above 7'^. In his will, proved 7th Sept. 1418, he orders his body to be buried in St. Stephen's chapel in this cathedral, near his father archbishop Scrope^^. ^^ Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. dayofhisdeath is there left blank. ^ Pat. 8 Ric. II. p. 2. mm. 39 & 73 Rgg. penes Dec. et Capit. 28. & Pat. II Ric. II. p. I. m.23. 74 Reg_ Scrope. ^'-^ Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22. 75 He was appointed by the "^^ Ibid. m.2i. Pope in 1397, but not admitted 71 Reg. Arundel. at that time. Pat. i Hen. IV. 7^ Hie jacet magister Thomas p. i. m. i. et Pat. 2 Hen. IV. Dalby quondam Archidiaconus p. 4. m. 6. Richmondia? ac Cancellarius in 7fi Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. Curia Kboric. qui obiit xix die 77 l^at. 3 lien. IV. p. 3. m. 21. mensisMaii anno Domini Mcccc, 78 Reg. Scrope. cuju8 animac proj)itietur Deus. 7y Thomas Vaus seems to have Amen. MS. 1*. Le Neve, Nor- held this oflice 2iist (Jet. 1404. roy. 'IliiH inscription difTers from (Pat. 6 Hen. IV. p. i. m.30.) tliat in lirowne Willis, p.96; the ^ Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. 1 2