Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/146

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140 YORK. Hkxry Bowet was collated 6th Sept. 1418: void by the death of Stephen le Scropo^'. Thomas Kempe, S.T.I*., archdeacon of York^ was re- moved to this archdeaconry 19th Nov. 1442^-. In 1448 ho was provided by the Pope to the bishopric of London. William Gkey, S.T.P., archdeacon of Northampton^ was admitted 3rd March 1449-50; and in 1454 he was made bishop of Ely-^ Laurence Bothe, Boothe, or Bathe, was admitted 2 1st Aug. 1454. He was dean of St. Paul's, London, in T456; and in 1457 he was made bishop of Durham. John Arundel, M.D., was admitted 31st Oct. 1457; and in 1459 he was made bishop of Chichester ^^. John Bothe was admitted 27th May 1459; and in 1465 he was made bishop of Exeter^ John Shirwode, S.T.P., was admitted T4th July 1465; and in 1484 he was made bishop of Durham^'. Edward Pole was admitted 6th Jan. 1484—5, and died soon afterwards^". John Blytii, LL.D., was admitted 8th Oct. 1485; and in 1493 ^^^ ^^^^ made bishop of Salisbury ^^. Christopher Urswick, Dec. Dr., was admitted by his proxy 2 1st March 1493-4, and in person 8th March 1499-1500. He was archdeacon of Wilts in 1496, and archdeacon of Oxford in 1504. Ho resigned in 1500^. James Stanley, appointed 19th Nov., vice Christopher Urswick resigned ■% was admitted 5lh Dec. 1500; and in 1506 he was made bishop of Ely •>'. Thomas Dalby, LL.B., was collated 24th Aug. 15065"^. He died 26th Jan. 1525-6, and was buried in the iu)rth aisle of this cathedral -'^ 8' Reg. Rowet. 88 Repr. Ehor. 8- Peg. penes Dec. et Capit. *• ibid. 83 Monach. Elien. Hist. ^ Pat. 16 Hen.VII. p. i. m. 13. 8^ Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. '^^ Reg. Ebor. 8-'^ Reg. Ebor. ^ Reg. Savage. 8« Ibid. 8' Ibid. «» Ex Epitapbio.