Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/148

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W2 YORK. Simon de Evesham enjoyed it 28th June 1249'^. He became afterwards archdeacon of Richmond. Robert de Scaudeduiu;!! by this title was a witness to a deed dated incrastino S.Botulphi (i 8th June) 1266*. Jonx DE C'raucumke was possessed of this dignity 30th Oct. 1285', 17th May (xvi Cal. Jun.) 1288^, and in 1300'. His will was proved in 1308^. Bertrand de Fargis held the office in 13 10, and by this title had the Kings letters of protection, dated i8th Feb. i^ii-12'K l^ioNisius AvEXEL held it in 1322 and 1335^^. John de Castre held it 25th Aug. 1343 ^^ Adomare Robert held it 20th Feb. 1345-6. Ob. Peter de Langton held it in 1346^2. William de Walcote succeeded 29th Dec. 1352'^. John de Hermesthorp held it 7th March 1363—4^*. Walter Skirlawe, LL.D., held it 4th Dec. 1370^'; and from this dignity was made bishop of Coventry and Lichfield in 1385. William de Waltham was appointed by the King 9th Feb. 1385-61. Francis de S. Eustachio, a Roman cardinal, held this dignity in 1383 '7 and 1390 1^. William Feryby, LL.B., installed 7th June 1393^'*. He was confirmed in his office by the King in 1396 -^ He exchanged this dignity for the rectory of Althorpe 23rd July 1409 with a Reg. Ebor. •• Pat. 17 Edw. III. '* Coll. l)odsvortli,vol. Ixxviii. '- Cart. Miscel. Durh. 3799. J). 212. Pat. 4 E(hv. I. 1^ Pat. 26 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 2. ^ Lett, in Turr. Lond. H. 9. '•* Pat. 38 Edw. III. p.i. m.36. 6 Rot. 01. Sutton. Episc. Line. ••' Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 7. 7 Prynne, torn. iii. p. 884. '^ Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. 2. in. 29. ■^ Reg. Grenfeld. •" Pat. 11 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 33. y Pat. 5 Edw. II. p. 2. '« Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. i. m. 26. '*^ Reg. Melton, et Cart. Mis- '•* Pat. 17 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 23. eel. Uurh. 3733. ^ Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 25.