150 YORK ARCHDEACONS OF NOTTINGHAM. John, archdeacon of Nottingham^ was a witness to a deed in 1174-^. William de Thaney held this dignity in ii8i. Robert Fitz-William possessed it in 1188. William Testard held it in i 190, and was present at a council holdon at York in 1 1 95 '^. He became dean of York in 1214^. William ue Rothkram held the office in 1219. William de Rodeham was possessed of it in 1224. Thomas de Wynton held this dignity about 1240. Henry de Schipton held it in 1262. Thomas de Eadrury was admitted iv Cal. Jan. (29th Dec.) 1286, vice Schipton deceased. William de Pickering, collated iv Id. Martii (12th March) 1 290. He had letters of protection dated 28th Sept. 1 294^^-, was the parliamentary })roxy of Thomas archbishop of York in 1302, and became dean of York in 1310. John de Grandison, collated iv Id. Oct. (12th Oct.) 13 10. He had letters of protection in 1316*^^ Ho was made bishop of Exeter in 1327. Gilbert de Alberwick, collated iv Id. Julii (r2th July) 1328^^ Maxuel de Flisco was presented about 1330; and on his resignation A MB ALDUS, cardinal y by the title of S. Laurent in Lu- cina, was collated ix Cal. Dec. (23rd Nov.) 1331. Robert de Kildeshv or Kihdesby held this arch- deaconry at his death in 1351. John de Rishopston was appointed by the King 13th «• MS. Cott.Tiber. F.vi. f. 1 1 7. «-' Pat. 22 Edw. I. ^ Spelm. Concil. torn. iii. p. '^* Pat. 10 Kdw. II. p. 1. 111.5. 123. ^ Reg. Kbor. ^^ Pat. 16 Joh. p. 123.