Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/158

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152 YORK. William Silvester was instalk-d 3i8t Jan. 1549: void by the death of Marsliall. ItoHKRT PrusfiLOVE succccded ill or about 1553 : void by the death of Silvester. In the beginning of (|ueen Ehzabeth's reign he was deprived. He died 2nd May 1579, and was buried in the church of Tideswell in Derbyshire. William Dav was presented by the Queen to this dignity ist Jan. 1560-61^^, and installed 24th April following. He became bishop of Winchester in 1595- John Lowth succeeded Day in 1565. John King, S.T.P., was installed 12th Aug. 1590: void by the death of Lowth, In 1605 he was made dean of Christ Church, Oxford, but held this with it till ]6 I J , when he was made bishop of London. Joseph Hall, A.M., was collated 30th Oct. 161 1 : void by the promotion of King. In 1627 he was made bishop of Exeter. HiCHARi) Bavlie, S.T.B., was collated 7th Feb. 1627-M: void by the promotion of Hall. He was made dean of Salisbury in 1635. William Robinson, S.T.P., was admitted 9th May 1635 : void by the resignation of Baylie"^'. He was installed on the 2 5th of the same month. Vere Harcourt, S.T.P., succeeded in Sept. 1660. Thomas White, S.T.P., was installed 13th Aug. 1683: void by the death of Harcourt. In 1685 he was made bishop of Peterborough. Samuel CROwimorGH, D.D., succeeded on the promo- tion of Dr. White to Peterborough. He was deprived in 1690 for refusing to take the oaths to king William and (jueen ^lary. William Peahsox, A. ^L, was collated 26th July 1690."' He died 6th Feb. 1715—16, and was succeeded by '•^ Rymer, vol. xv. |). -/).^. '^ Meg. Khor. "' Ibid.