BISHOPS. 17 seal of England as chancellor 23rd Aug. 1553 till his death. 155 1 John Poxet or Poynet, hisJwp of Rochester, on the de- 5 Edw. VI. privation of Stephen Gardiner was translated to this see, 23rd March 1550— i, by virtue of letters patent 7^; but on the accession of queen Mary to the crown he quitted the kingdom, and died at Strasburg in Ger- many nth April 1556. 1553 Stephen Gardiner was restored to the see on the ac- 1 Mar. cession of queen Mary, and held it for the remainder of his life. He was buried in his own cathedral 7^. At his death a license issued, dated i6th July 1556, to elect a bishop in his room 77. 1557 John White, bishop of Lincoln, was translated to this 3&4P.&3r. see in 1556, and as bishop elect he obtained the cus- tody of the temporahties i6th May 155678^ he had plenary restitution of them as bishop 3 1 st May 1557 7 9, and in the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign he was deprived. The license to elect a bishop on the depriva- tion of John White is dated i8th Dec. 1559®°. 1561 Robert Horne, S.T.P., dean of Durham, was conse- 3 Eliz. crated at Lambeth 16th Feb. 1560— 61 ^^ had a por- tion of the temporalities restored to him on the 18th of the same month ^2, and the remainder 5th Aug. 1575^3. Jie died ist June 1580, and was buried in Winchester cathedral ^'^. 1580 John Watson, M.D., dean of Winchester, was elected 23 Eliz. 29th June 1580, confirmed 16th Sept., and conse- crated at Croydon on the i8th of the same month ^ He died at Wolesey 23rd Jan. j 583— 4, setat. 6^, and was buried in his own cathedral ^^'. 75 Pat. 5 Edw.VI, p. I. m. 40. so Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6. 76 Reg. Cantuar. 8I Rgg. Parker, f. 88. T^ Pat. 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. p. i . 82 Pat. 3 Eliz. p. 9. m. 34. m.34. 8.S i],ifi, 78 Pat. 2 & 3 Phil. & Mar. p. i. «4 Ex Epitaphio. m. 29. 8:) lieg. Grindal, f. r,8. 79 Pat. 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. p. 6. 8^5 Reg. (Jrindal. " Ex Epi- m. 12. tapliio. VOL. III. J)