CARLISLE. This diocese contains the better half of Cumberland and Westmoreland^ under the government of the arch- deacon of Carlisle ^ The cathedral has a dean and four prebendaries-. BISHOPS. The bishopric of Carlisle was erected by king Henry I, nth April 1132^, who appointed as the first bishop of the see 1133 Aldulf^ or Aethelwald, jonor 0/ Nostell^; he was 32 Hen. I. ¥. > By order in council, dated icth Aug. 1847, it was deter- mined that, on the next avoid- ance of the see, a new archdea- conry was to be created, and styled the archdeaconry' of Westmore- land. By the same order it was determined that, on the next a- voidance of the see, that portion of the deanery of Kirkby Lons- dale which is in the county of Westmoreland was to be an- nexed to the deanery of Kendal ; which said deanery, and the dean- ery of Coupland in the county of Cumberland, and the deanery of Fumess and Cartmel in the county of Lancaster, were de- tached and dissevered from the diocese of Chester, and annexed to and united with the diocese of Carlisle. ^ By order in council, 23rd May 1H44, certain honorary vh- nonries were founded in this ca- thedral. 3 Eodem anno 1132, tricesimo tertio anno regni sui, Henricus Rex Anglorum fecit novum epi- scopatum apud Karleolum ; et posuit ibi primum episcopum no- mine Athelwlphum Sancti Os- waldi priorem, cui peccata solitus erat confiteri. Th. Rudborne, Hist. Maj.Winton. '^ Sim. Dunelm Continuat. col. 257 ; Adulfus, Chron. Mailr. ; Aethelulphus, Matt. Paris.; A- thelulfus, Rog. Wendover ; Ar- nulphus, Bromton ; Aelulfus, R. de Monte; Adelulfus, Chron. Norm.; Adelwaldus sive Adel- wulfus, Godwin ; Athelwold, Le Neve. •^ Sim. Dunelm Coiitin.; prior of St. Oswald, Kog. W(rid«)'<'r ; )>nor <ti St. Hotulf, Brotnton.
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