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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/236

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230 CARLISLE. consecrated by Tliurstan, archbishop of York, in Aug. 1 1 33^'. The time of his death is uncertain". Ukunakd^, according to Godwin, succeeded Aldulf as bishop of Carhsle, but neither the time of his ac- cession nor that of his death is known. Godwin sup- poses that he died in ii86; as Hoveden'^ states, that when king Henry II was at Carhsle, in that year, he caused one Paul of Leeds to be elected bishop of Carlisle ; who declined the dignity, notwithstanding the King offered to increase the revenues of the see three hundred marks per annum. The see appears to have been vacant until the appointment of Hugh, abbot of Beaulieu, as bishop of Carlisle, in i2t8: but during the long vacancy, king John granted the revenues of the see to the archbishop of Slavonia^" in the year 1200, and in 1205 to Alexander de Lucy^^. The custody of the see was also "granted to Avmerv, archdeacon of Dur- ham'-, 1 2 14, and afterwards in the same year to the ])rior of Carlisle' ^ ♦^ Sim. Dunelm. 1132, Rog. Wendover. According to some writers, he was consecrated 14th May 1 133. " He died in 1156, according to the Annals of Waverley; in 1 155, Chron. Norm. fol. 992. ^ There is considerable doubt whether there ever was a bishop called Bernard. The mistake seems to have arisen from the fact that Bernard, archl)ishop of Sla- vonia,had a grant of the revenues of the see from king John. See Pat. 9 Job. m.5. ("laiis. 2 lien. III. m. 2. « Fol. 360. '^* Dominus Re. concessit Ar- chiepiscopo Slavonian [He was also called archbishop of Ragusa. See Pat. 5 Job. 4.] episcopatum Carleoh, ad se sustentandum donee dominus Rex ei in appliori beneficio provident. (Chart. 2 Job. m. 35. in dorso.) — Sciatis quod dedimus venerabili patri Bernardo episcoj)o Carleol. (Pat. 9 Job. m. 5.) — Mandatum est Vicecomiti Cumberland quod si- ne dilatione faciat habere electo Carleol. talem saisinam de omni- bus terris et tenementis pertinen- tibus ad episcopatum Carleol. in balliva sua, qualem Bernardus Archiepiscopus Sclavoniap quon- dam custos ejusdem ej)iscopatus inde habuit, cum custodiam inde recepisset per dominum Joban- nem Regem patrem nostrum, (ylaus. 2 Hen. HI. m. 2. " Pat. 5 Job. m.9. '- Pat. 16 Job. m. 15. '•< Ibid. m. I. ft Pat. 17 Job. m. 24.