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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/239

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BISHOPS. 233 1255 Thomas Vipont or de Veteri Ponte succeeded Sil- 39Hen.in. vester de Everdon, and received the royal assent to his election 5th Nov. 125533, He was consecrated 7th Feb. 1255-6^^, and died in the beginning of Oct. 125635. A conge d'elire, vice bishop Vipont, issued 25th Oct. 1256^^, pursuant to which Robert de S. Agatha was elected ; but the King not approving of the election, another license issued 30th Dec. in the same year37^ when 1258 Robert de Chause^s or Chausey, archdeacon ofBatli^ 42Hen.lll. was elected, obtained the royal assent 12th Feb. 1255-7 39, and was consecrated 14th April 1258 at Ber- mondsey. He died about Michaelmas 1278^0. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Robert de Chause issued 27th Oct. 1278 ; in pursuance of which, William de Rotherfield, dean of York, was elected 13th Dec. 1278, but he declined the dignity; upon which the prior and convent elected ^^ 1280 Ralph de J Kyoto's, prior of Gishourne, 26th Dec, and 8 Etlw. I. informed the King of their choice, and prayed him to assent to the election ^2 ; but his Majesty was dis- pleased at the chapter proceeding to a second election without obtaining the royal license^ 3^ and refused his counts place his death ist April ^^ Die Sanctorum Tiburtii et 1254. Itinerando versus Curiam Sociorum suorum. Matt. Paris. Regis 1253 cecidit ab equo suo ad an. 1258. et quarto die sequenti, scil. Cal. 41 Chron. Lanercost. April, (ist Apr.) mortuus est. ^^ Lett, in Turr. Lond. No. Annal. Burton. 1202. ^'^ Pat. 38 Hen. III. '^ The prior and convent of ^^ Pat. 39 Hen. HI. m. 16. Carlisle were amerced five hun- •^ Annal. Lanercost. dred marks by the King and •^* Annal. Burton. council : " pro eo quod ipsi ad "^^ Pat. 40 Hen. HI. m. i. electionem defratre Radulpho de •*^ Pat. 41 Hen. in. m. 15. Ireton quondam priore de Gis- ^ The (Jhronicle of Lanercost burne in episcopum suum Kar- callshim Robert de Chalizk, liol faciendum Rcgia licencia pri- and Hays that he died in Oct. us non jjetita ncc optcuta pro- 1278. cesserunt." Pat. 10 Kdw. L m. 39 Pat. 41 Hen. IH. m. 13. 18. VOL. III. Jl li