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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/238

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232 CARLISLE. or otherwise '•^ He was confirmed by Gualo, the le- gate, 2nd Aug. (iv Non. Aiig.)-^, and consecrated by him 24th Feb. 1218-19. He died in an abbey in Bur- gundy, in his return from Rome-', in 1223'^-. A li- cense to elect a bishop in the room of Hugh issued 23rd June 1223^'^; in pursuance of which, 1223 Walter Mauclerk was elected; he obtained the 8 Hen. III. royal assent to his election 28th Oct. 1223-^, and was consecrated soon after. He resigned his bishopric 29th June 1246; and retired to Oxford'^', where he died 28th Oct. 1248^6. The prior and convent of Carlisle have license to elect a new bishop ist Aug. 1246'^'; but in consequence of some informality in the election, a second license issued 1 2th Sept.^^, in con- formity with which, 1 247 Silvester de Everdox, archdeacon of Cheste) was 31 Hen.ITI. elected, and obtained the royal assent 9th Nov. i 246--'. He was consecrated 5th Feb. 1246-7-^0, and died 13th May 125431. The custody of the bishopric was com- mitted 24th May to Robert de Dacre^-. 19 Claus. 2 Hen. III. m. 2 et Pat. 3 Hen. HI. m. 5. 20 Annal. Wigorn. 21 Liberate de thesauro nostro Hugoni Carleol. episcopo eunti ad Concilium quod celebrabitur apud Veronam in Festo Sancti Martini proximo instanti anno regni nostri sexto in nuncium nostrum, quaterviginti marcus , . ad expensas suas. Claus. 6 Hen. HI. m.2. 22 MS. Cott. Claud. D. vii. 23 Pat. 7 Hen. HI. m. 3. -'-» Pat. 8 Hen. HI. m. 12. The custody of the temporalities was granted to Theobald de Valon, archdeacon of Essex, on the same day. Ibid. -'•"J Die vero Apostolorum Petri ct Pauli episcOpus Karliolensis Walterus apud Oxoniam sapcu- lum quod diu et multum incolu- erat cum suis salutans saeculari- bus praedicatorum fratrum ha- bitum et ordinera .... suscepit. Matt. Paris, ad an. 1246. 26 Matt.Westm. 27 Pat. 30 Hen. HI. m.2. 2« Quia S. de Everdon archi- diaconus Cestriae noluit assen- tire electioni de eo factae, eo quod videbatur ei vitiosa haberit lite- ras iterato eligendi 12. Sept. Pat. 30 Hen. HI. m. i. 2y Pat. 31 Hen. HI. m. 9. •^ Die Sanctae Agathae. Matt. Paris, ad an. 1247. He was chan- cellor of England from 14th Nov. 1244 to 8th Nov. 1246. Claus. 29 Hen. HI. m. 20. et Pat. 31 Hen. HI. m. 2. •*' Tertio Idus Maii. Matt. Paris, ad ann. 1254. Other ac-