S42 CAUL ISLE. bishop in the room of Richard Barnes ^^, pursuant to which 1577 John jNLvve or ]Ii:y, S.T.P., archdeacon of East- Riding 19 Eliz. of Yorkshire, was elected, and had the royal assent to his election 9th Aug. 1577^^. He was consecrated 29th Sept., and obtained restitution of the temporal- ities 8th Oct.26 He died 15th Feb. 1597-8. His will was proved ist April 1598. He was buried at Carlisle. 1598 Hkxry Robinson, S.T.P., provost of Queeiis collene, 40 Eliz. Oxford, was elected 27th May 1598, confirmed 22nd July, and consecrated the next day-'. The temporal- ities were restored to him loth Aug.^^ He died 19th June i6t6, setat. 64, and was buried in Carlisle cathedral 29. 1616 Robert Snowden, S.T.P., was elected 12th Sept. 1616, 14 Jac. T. consecrated 24th Nov. and obtained restitution of the temporalities 20th Dec. He died at London 5^' 15th May 1 62 1. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Snowden is dated 21st June 162 1" in pursuance of which, 1621 Richard Milbourne, bishop of St. David's, was elected, 19 Jac. I. and obtained the royal assent 11th Sept. 1621^-, and the temporalities 3rd Oct. in the same year-^-^. He died in 1624, ^'^^^ ^^'^s buried in the churchyard of Carlisle cathedral. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Milbourne, issued 13th June 1624=^^, in pursuance of which, 1624 Richard Senhouse, dea?i of Gloucester, was chosen; 22 Jac. I. ho received the royal assent to his election 20th July 2-* Pat. 19 Eliz. p. 10. m. 30. some of his relations that he de- 2* Ibid. '-'*» Il)id. ceased at Rose Castle, and was ^' llcfr. WhitjT. pars iii. f. 6. broufrht thence, and buried at -^ Pat. 40 Eliz. p. 14. m. 16. Carlisle, though without any me- ^^ Ex Ejjitapliio. morial." •^0 Browne "Willis, in a letter to ^^' Pat. 19 Jac. I. p. 21. in.3. bishop Kennet, says, " Notwith- •^- Ibid. N". 2. standing what Le Neve mentions ^'^ Ibid. about bishop Snowden dying in «*-* Pat. 22 Jac. I. p. 19. N". 3. London, there is a tradition from
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