20 W INCUKSTKH. of the tiaiiiu iiiuiith "'. lit' ilieil tytli Nov. i 706, and was buried in his own cathedral '". 1707 Sir Jonathan Thki.awnkv, baronet, bishop of Exeter, (i Ann. was translated to this sec, in which ho was enthroned 2 1 st June 1 707 ' . lie died at Chelsea i yth July 1721, a?tat. 73. 1721 Charlks Trimnkl, biilwp of Norwich, was translated 8 Geo. I. to AVinchester 24th July, and confirmed 20th Aug. 1 721'". He died at Farnham 15th Aug. 1723, and was buried in Winchester cathedral. 1723 lliCHARi) Willis, bishop of ^Salisbitry, wns nominated 10 Geo I. to Winchester 27th Aug. lyz^, elected 2nd Sept., and confirmed on the 21st of that month -o. He died at Chelsea loth Aug. 1734, letat. 71, and was buried in Winchester cathedral 22nd Aufj. 1734 Benjamin Hoadly, bishop of Salisbury/, was elected to 8 Geo. II. Winchester 5th Sept. 1734, and on the 26th of the same month was confirmed at liow Church-'. He was installed by proxy 3rd Oct. He died 17th April 1761. 1761 John Thomas, biishop oftSafisbiuy, was elected to 'in- iCio.iii Chester 4th May 1761, and was confirmed at Bow Church on the 29th of the same month--. He died 1st May J7(Si. 17^^ Brown'low North, bishop of If 'Worcester, was nominated 2iGeo.IlI. to Winchester loth May 1781, elected on the 2Sth, and the royal assent to his election was given on the 30th of the same month; he was confirmed 7th June", and the temporalities were restored to him 9th June. Ho died 12th July 1820. 1820 Gkor(;k Phktyman Tom link, bishop of Lincoln^ was I Geo. IV. nominated to Winclicster i 5th July 1820, and elected 4th Aug. ; the royal assent to his election was given 7 th Aug., the temporalities were restored to him on "■' London Gazette. 20 R^p. Wake. •" Rc^. Winton. 21 Ihjd. >« Ibid. 22 Reg. Seeker. »3 Reg. Wake. 23 Reg. Cornwallis.