Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/264

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'258 chestp:r. BISHOPS/' 1542 John Birde, bishop of Bangor, became the first bishop 34 H. VIII. of Chester by the charter of erection, and made his profession of obedience to the archbishop of York T3th April J 542. He was deprived in the first year of the reign of queen Mary, 1554", and was buried in Chester cathedral" in the year 1556. 1554 George Cotes, S.T.I*., master o/Balliol college, Oxford, 2 Mar. I. was consecrated in the church of St. Saviour, South- wark, ist April 1554^, and had the temporalities re- stored to him on the i8th of the same month ^^. He died about the beginning of Dec. 1555 ^^ 1556 Cuthbert Scott, S.T.P., master of Chrisfs college, 2&3P.&31. Cambridge, nominated by the Pope, had, as bishop elect, the custody of the temporalities delivered to him 24th April 1556 1-, and plenary restitution of them 29th Sept. following ^ He was deprived in 1560, and died at Louvain. 156[ William Downiiam, A.M., archdeacon of Brechiocfc, 3 i^iiz- had the royal assent to his election ist May 1561^-*, was consecrated on the 4th, and obtained the tempo- ralities on the 9th of the same month ^^ He died 3rd Dec. 1377, and was buried in Chester cathedral. 6 The bishops of Coventry and Lichfield frequently styled them- selves bishops of Chester ante- rior to the erection of this see in 1 54 1. This church and diocese, with the archdeaconry of Rich- mond, were by act of parlia- ment 33 Hen. VIII. c. 31. dis- severed from the province of Canterbury and united to that of York. ' Pat. I Mar. p. 1. m. lo. ^ Le Neve states that bishop Birde died at and was buried at DunmowinEssex; butthis seems to be a mistake. Dr. John Bird, parson of Dunmow, died in ir)r)9' and was there buried, and bishop Birde died in 1556. ^ Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. •^ Pat. I Mar. p. i. m. 21. ' ' Reg. Cantuar. 1- Pat. 2&3Phil.&Mar. p. i. m. 30. >3 Pat.3&4Phil.&Mar.p.ii. m. 9. I Pat. 3 Eliz. p. 9. m. 33. '•'• Ibid. m. 34. I % m