Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/266

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2G0 CHESTER Coventry and Lichfield. A conge d'elire issued 7th Marcli 1618—192'^, in pursuance of which 1619 John Buidgkmax, S.T.P., was elected 15th March 17 Jac. I. 1618-19, confirmed in the church of St. Benet PaulV Wharf, London, 7th May, and was consecrated at Lambeth on the 9th of the same month 2^. He re- ceived the temporalities 28th May^'^. He died in 1652'^!. 1660 Brian Walton, S.T.P., was consecrated in Westmin- 12 Car. II. ster Abbey 2nd Dec. i66o-^K He died 29th Nov. 1661, and was buried 5th Dec. following in St. Paul's ca- thedral ^^ 1662 Henry Ferne, S.T.P., master of Trinity college, Cani- 14 Car. II. hriclge, and dean of Ely, was consecrated in Feb. 166 1— 2, but sat only about five weeks. He died 16th March 1 66 1-2, set. 59, and was buried in St. Edmund's chapel in Westminster Abbey •^^. 1662 George Hall, S.T.P., archdeacon of Canterbury"'^ was 14 Car. II. consecrated i ith May 1662. He died 23rd Aug. 1668, and was buried at Wigan in Lancashire. 1668 John Wilkins, S.T.P., was consecrated at Ely-house 20 Car. II. in Holborn J5th Nov. i668^^<i. He died 19th Nov. 1672, and was buried i 2th Dec. in the church of St.Lawrence Jewry, London. 28 Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 2^ m. i II. f. 7. I. p. 13. m. 2. compelled to palace on ac- 29 Reg. Abbot. •<o Pat. 17 Jac. Reg. Abbot. 31 He was retire from his count of the times, and found an asylum at Morcton, in Shropshire, the seat of his son Orlando, then a rising lawyer, (and who subsequently filled the highest office in the law.) There he died in 1652, and was buried in the chancel of Kinnersley church. A bluisli slab covers his grave with this dateless in- scription : " Hie jacet sepultus Johannes Bridgeman, episcopus Cestriensis." His great grand- son, sir John Bridgeman, bart, in 1 7 19, placed another dateless memorial over his ashes. (A communication from the Rev. Dr. Oliver of Exeter.) •^2 Reg. Ebor.

    • Ex Epitaphio.

34 Ibid. 3'^ He had a dispensation dated 24th Oct. 1662 to hold this arch- deaconry in commendam. •'^* London Gazette.