Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/286

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280 DURHAM. 944 Uhtred^^. He died after having sat but a few raonths^^ Sexhelme succeeded Uhtred and died in the same year ^7^ having sat only a few months. Aldred succeeded ^^; he died in 968 ^9, and was suc- ceeded by 968 Alsius^ or Aelfsig; whose consecration to the see is placed in 968 ^^ and his death in 990 6^. 990 Aldwine^^^ according to the same authorities^^, be- came bishop of this see in 990 ; and in 995 he removed the body of St. Cuthbert and the see from Chester-le- Street to Durham. BISHOPS OF DURHAM^s Aldwine died in the year loiS^^. From the year 995 he and his successors have been styled bishops of Dunholme or Durham. After his death, the see was void nearly three years ^7.

  • ^ Flor.Wigorn. Turgot styles

him Uthred; Simeon, Getredum; and Malmesbury omits him from his List of Bishops of Durham. ^^ Flor. Wigorn. ad ann. 944; but the Cambridge MS. says that he governed the see three years, and died in 947. 57 Flor. Wigorn. 58 Ibid, ad ann. 944. ^^ Ibid, ad ann. 968. ^0 Flor. Wigorn. The name of this prelate is also written Alf- sius, Elfsius, and Elfsinus. ^^ Flor. Wigorn. et Mailr. ad an. 968. <^2 Ibid, et Sim. Dunelm. Hist. ad an. 990. ^••^ Also called Aldhunus and Aldunus by the chroniclers. 6* Flor. Wigorn. Mailr. et Sim. Dunelm. ^^ Anno vero ab Incarnatione Domini nostri Jesu Christi Dccccxcv sedes episcopalis in Dunhelmum translata est (Flor. Wigorn. ad ann.) Aldunus epi- scopus transtulit de Cestre in Dunholm corpus S. Cuthberti. (Sim. Dunelm. Hist, ad ann. 995.) The body had been pre- viously removed to Ripon for a short time. ^^ Obiit peractia in episcopatu viginti novem annis (Hist. Du- nelm. lib. iii. c. 6.) An. 1018. Aldunus episcopus Dunholmen- sis obiit. Sim. Dunelm. Hist. ad ann. et Hoved. lib. i. f. 250 b. ^' Defuncto Aldhuno Lindis- farnensi episcopo, tribus pene annis ccclesia pastorali destitue- batur solatio. Flor. Wigorn. ad ann. 1020.