Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/287

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BISHOPS. 281 102 1 Eadmund was elected in 1020^^, and consecrated in the following year by Wulstan^ archbishop of York ^9. The year of his decease is uncertain. Turgot says J041 ; Simeon of Durham places it in 1042^0^ and Florence in 1048 "^ 1 041 Eadred obtained the see by simony "2, but he held it only ten months ^^^^ and 1042 Aegelric, abbot of Peterborough, succeeded in 1042. He resigned the see, after having governed it fifteen years 74, and returned to the monastery of Peterbo- rough 7^, and was succeeded in his bishopric by his brother 1056 AF.Gi£.i.wijiB^ a monk of Peterborough'^^. He was expelled from his see in 107 r, and imprisoned"^ His successor was 107 1 Walchere "^, who, having been elected " ex clericali or- 5 Will. I. dine," was consecrated at Winchester 79 in 107 i. He, with all his retinue, was murdered 14th May lOcSo^^^at ^^ The miraculous tale relative to his election will be read with a smile as narrated by Florence of Worcester under the year 1020, and by Malmesbury. De Pontif. hb. iii. fol. 157b. ^^ Florence incorrectly assigns his consecration to 1025, or per- ha]}8 he means that Eadmund was installed in that year. His words are equivocal: "Eadmun- dus vir religiosus Lindisfarnen- sem episcopatum suscepit." Flor. ad ann. 1025. 7® " Eadmund us episcopus obiit : cui Edredus per pecuni- am in episcopatum successit ; et decimo mense raoritur." (Sim. Dunelm. Mar^. MS. ad ann. 1042. j And under the following year are these words : " Uefuncto Kadmundo. Kgelricus suscejiit VOL. 111. o o episcopatum Dunelmensem." 71 Eadmundus Lindisfarnensis episcopus Glawornae obiit, sed a suis deportatus Dunholmi sepe- htur. Cui successit Edredus ; sed illo divina ultione percusso, in ejus locum T^gelricus Bur- gensis monachus substituitur. Flor. Wigorn. ad ann. 1048. 72 Hist, de Dunelm. Eccl. lib. iii. cap. 9. 73 Ibid. 74 Ibid. 7^ Flor. Wigorn. ad ann. 1056. 76 Ibid. ^^ Rog.Wendoveradann.1071. 7^ Walcherus, Walcerus, et Walkerus. 7-' Anglia Sacra, parsi. p. 703. Hoveden. fol. 260 b. ^ I'ridic iduH Maii. Hoveden. ct Sim. Dunelm.