Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/290

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284 DURHAM. consecrated at Rome 20th Dec. 1153 by the Pope^ He was suspended for a short time by pope Alexan- der III for the part he took in the coronation of king Henry the Sccond^s eldest son^ in the year 1170, which was prejudicial to the rights of Thomas, arch- bishop of Canterbury. He died 3rd March 1194— 5 and was buried in the Chapter-house at Durham-*. The see teas vacant after the death of Hugh more than one year. 1 197 Philip of Poitiers succeeded Hugh Pudsey, and was 8 Ric. I. elected in 1 195^ but not consecrated until 20th April 1 197. The ceremony was performed abroad by pope Celestine HI. 7 The time of his death is not certain, but Wendover, Matt. Paris, and others, state that it occurred in 1208 8. He was buried in the churchyard by the laity without pomp, because he was labouring under an interdict at the time of his death. After the death of bishop Philip, the chapter of Durham elected Richard, dean of Salisbury, as their bishop • but the election was kept entirely private for fear of the displeasure of the King and pope Innocent : the latter however heard of it, and quashed it, and com- manded the prior and chapter to elect John, bishop ' Dominica ante Natale Do- lib.iv. c. 10 et 11. mini. (Chron. Mailr.) In vigi- ^ Pictaviensis. lia S. Thomae apostoli. (Gervas.) ^ According to some writers Hugo dictiis PusarThesaurarius in November, Wharton; 30th Ebor. cognatus Regis consecra- December, Godwin ; 4th Jan. tus est ab Anastasio papa in epi- 1 195-6, Hist. Dunelra. scopnm Dunelm. Romac Domi- Some writers say that he nica ante Natale Domini. MS. was consecrated 12th May 1197, Cott. Claud. D. vii. but that day did not fall on 2 Called by the chroniclers Sunday. Henry the Third. See Matt. ^ According to the Annales Paris, &c. Dunelmenses 22nd April 1207, 3 Hoveden. fol. 427 b. Chron. and to the Annales Suthwercen- Mailros. p. 180. et Hist. Dunelm. ses 21st April 1208. He died, ^ Chron. Walt, de Coventr. according to Matthew Paris, the For an account of this bishoj), (chronicle of Mailros, and the see Will. Neubrig. lib. i. c. 26. et Annals of Worcester, in 1208.