Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/291

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BISHOPS. 285 of Norwich, which they were constrained to do^; and he, after some delay, received the Popes confirma- tion : but bishop John dying before the translation could be perfected, Morgan, provost of Beverley, an illegitimate son of king Henry II, was elected ^^ ; this election was quashed, and 1 21 7 Richard de Marisco, archdeacon of Northuraherlandy I Hen. III. tJie King's chancellor^ was elected, and received the royal assent 29th June 1217^^; he was consecrated at Gloucester by Walter^ archbishop of York, on Sun- day the 2nd of the following month 1^. He died at Peterborough 1st May 122612. The custody of the bishopric was granted 2nd May^^ 1226, and the conge d'elire issued on the 26th of the same month^'; in pursuance of which, William Scot, alias Stichill, archdeacon of Worces- ter y was chosen; but the King refusing his assent 1^, the court of Rome declared the election void, and the chapter then chose 1228 Richard Poor, bishop of Salisbury '^^ who obtained the 12H. IJI. royal assent 22nd July 1228^*^. He died 15th April 1237 at Tarent near Dorchester^ ^, where he was born. '•' Factaque est haec postulatio opposed the royal wishes, and anno Domini mccxiv. xiv. Cal. elected William Scot. Martii, anno Interdicti vi. vacan- ^ Qui jam tunc ad tres ec- te episcopatu post decessum Phi- clesias cathedrales successione lippi episcopi annis v. et raensi- est assumptus gubernandas. bus X, et diebus xxv. Gaufridi Matt. Westm. ad ann. 1226. de Coldingham Historia. ^^ Pat. 12 Hen. III. m. 3. "^ Ibid, et Roberti de Gray- '^ Ricardus Dunelmensis epi- stanes Dunelm. Epis. Historia. scopus, qui prius duobus praefuit " Pat. I Hen. III. m. 6. episcopatibus Cicestren. et Sa- '2 Coll. Kennet. MS. B. p. 25. rum, in secunda hebdomada •'♦ Matt. West, ad an. 1226. Passionis Dominica^ migravit ad '** Pat. 10 Hen. III. m. 6. Dominum apud Tharentam in '• Ibid. m. 5. Witesirc, occlcsiam Monialium '^ Ibid. m. I. The King had quam fundaverat accipiens se- requested the monks to elect pulturam. Matt. Westm. Luke, his chaplain ; but they