Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/295

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BISHOPS. 289 Henry Stamford 7, ^/'ior of Finchale^ was elected, who went to Rome to obtain the Pope's consent, but before he arrived there, his Holiness^ at the request of the Kings of England^^ and France, had promoted^^ 1318 Louis de Bellomonte (Beaumont), treasurer of Sa- il Edw. II. lishur^^ by bull of provision ^0. The temporalities were restored to him 4th May 1317^^ He was confirmed I ith Sept. but he was not consecrated until 26th March 13 1 8^-. He died 25th Sept. 1333, and was buried in Durham cathedral 6th Oct. following. A license to elect another bishop in the room of Louis de Beaumont issued 7th Oct. 1333^'^ ; in pursuance of which, Robert de Graystanes or Graviston, S.T.P., was elected, confirmed by the archbishop of York 10th Nov. 1333, and consecrated by him on the 14th of the same month ^4, without the royal assent or the Pope's approval having been obtained ^'^ ; his election was consequently set aside by the papal court, and ^7 The King ^^shed Thomas de Charlton to be elected and the Queen interested herself for Louis de Bello-monte ; the earl of Lancaster petitioned for John de Kynardesley and the earl of Hereford for John Walwayn, but the monks nevertheless chofie Henry de Stamford. ^** By letter dated York 23rd Nov. 1 31 6. Foed. torn. iii. p. 581. ^^ Pat. 10 Edw. IL p. 2. m.19. «o Dated V Id. Feb. 1316-17. «' Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m.i6. ^'^ Angl. Sacra, })ars i. p. 757. He made his profession to the archbishop of York at Thorp 19th June 131H. Re^. Melton. ^>^ Pat. 7 Fidw. HI. p. 2. m. 20. He novo sij^illo pro rej^iiniiie episcopatus Hunelm. post mor- tem Ludovici episcopi in inanu nuHtra existen. Oct. 1333. vor,. in. J- p Claus. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. . 6-1 Reg. Melton. ^'^ " Cum de gratia nostra speciali pardonavimus Willelmo Ebor. Archiepiscopo transgres- sionem et contemptum quos no- bis fuit confirmando electionem nuper factam de Roberto de Graystan monacho ecclesise Du- nelm. in episcopum loci prscdicti, et ipsum e[)iscoj)um consecrando diet. Rob. per nos non acceptato, nee Regio assensu nostro prout moris est in hac parte adhibito," &c. (Claus. 8 Edw. III. m. 27.) Robertus de Graystanes S.T.P. monachus et supj)rior Dunelm. confirmatus e|)iscopus Dunelm. in ecclcsia bcata? Mari.T ICborutn X Nov. 1333, et ccmsecratus fuit ill c:i|)('lla palatii arrlirej»isco|)i apud Eborum die Douiinica pro- xima post fcstum S. Mailini in