Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/294

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S88 DURHAM. in the Chapter-house at Durham. The conge d'elire for the election of another bishop in the room of Robert de Insula is dated i8th June 1283'*=^ ; in pur- suance of which, 1283 Anthony de Bek^' or Beake, archdeacon of Durham II Edw. I. and the King's secretary^ was elected 9th July 1283-*; he obtained tlie royal assent '^ 28th Aug., and the tem- poralities 4th Sept.'", and was consecrated 9th Jan. following^". He died 3rd March j 310-1 1 '*^, and was buried in Durham cathedral, being the first bishop who was buried there since St. Cuthbert. The license to elect a bishop vice Anthony de Bek issued 20th March 1310-11^0; and 131 1 Richard Kellow or Kellawe was elected 3 1st March 4 Edw. II. 13J1 ; he obtained the royal assent nth April '^, the archbishop's confirmation nth May, and the tempo- ralities on the 20th ^2 . on the 30th of which month (Whit-Sunday) he was consecrated ^^^ jje died 9th Oct. 13 16, and was buried in the Chapter-house of Durham ^-'. His will is dated " die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Michaelis 1316'.'* A conge d'elire issued 19th Oct. 1316^^', vice Richard Kellow, in pur- suance of which, 43 Pat. II Edw. I. m. 16. The vii Kal. Marc. pont. nostri anno custody of the bishopric was sexto. [23rd Feb. 1286.] Reg. granted 13th June to Guishard Wickwane Ebor. MS. Beck de Charun and MalcuUne de was also patriarch of Jerusalem. HarJegh. Ibid. Pat. i Edw. II. p. i. ra. 21. et 44 Beck, Chron. Petrob. Glaus, i Edw. II. m. 12. 45 Hist. Dunelm. 49 Rymer, torn. iii. p. 251. 46 Pat. II Edw. I. in. 13. ^^ Pat. 4 Edw. II. p. 2. m. i8. 47 Ibid. m. II. '»! Ibid. m. 19. 4^ Anglia Sacra, pars i. p. 745. ^2 Ibid. m. 9. Willielmus archiepiscopus Ebor. ^■^ He was confirmed i ithMay, Mandat. archidiacono Ebor. ut and consecrated at York on intionizet in ecclesia sua Anto- Whit-Sunday. Hist. Dunelm. nium Bek archidiaconum Du- ^4 ^{^eg. Ebor. et Hist. Dunelm. nelm. electum in episcopura ^^ Reg. (Irenfeld. Dunelm. Dat. apud Pontoyse •' Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. i. m.12.