BISHOPS. 291 138 1. The King restored the temporahties to him 23rd Oct. following 76; he was consecrated 5th Jan. 1381— 2", and made his profession to the archbishop of York 1 8th Aug. following. He was translated to Ely by virtue of a papal bull dated 3rd April 138878. 1388 Walter Skirlawe, bishop of Bath and Wells, was 12 Ric. II. translated to Durham by the Pope's bull 3rd April 1388 "9, and the temporalities were restored to him 13th Sept. followingso He died 24th March 1405-6^^ and was buried in the choir of Durham cathedral. His will is dated 15th March 1404—5. A conge d'elire vice bishop Skirlawe issued 25th April 1406 ^'^; in pur- suance of which. 1406 Thomas Loxgley or L angle y, dean of York and 7 Hen. IV. chancellor of England ^^, was elected 17 th May 1406*^'*, and consecrated by the archbishop of Canterbury 8th Aug. following^'; the temporalities were restored to him the next day ^6. He died 28th Nov. 1437^7. His will, dated 21st Dec. 1436, was proved 13th Dec. 143788. A license to elect a bishop, vice Thomas Longley, is- sued 28th Dec. 143789 ; nevertheless 1438 Robert Ne VI LL^o, bishop of Salisbury, was provided to 16 this see by papal bull dated 27th Jan. 1437-8; the temporalities were restored to him 8th April 143891. He died 8th July 1457 and was buried in the Galilee 76 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. I. m. 20. by parliament in the first year of 77 Reg, Courtn. king Henry VI. 78 Ibid. f. 323 et Pat. 1 2 Ric. II. s-* Hist. Dunelm. p. I. m. 20. 85 Reg. Arundel, f. 34. 79 Reg. Courtn. 86 Pat. 7 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 4.
- Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22 87 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 776.
et Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. i. m. 26. According to the Cantuar. Obi- 8* Reg. Ebor. et Rot. Fin. 7 tuar. he died xvi Kal. April. Hen. IV. in. II. (17th March). ^ Pat. 7 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 12. ^^ Reg. Ebor. ^ He resigned the great seal ^'-^ Pat. 16 Hen. VI. j). 1. m. 18. noon afterwards, but he became ^ Fifth son of Ralph, earl of chancellor again 23rd Mayi4i7, Westmoreland. and wa« confirmed in that oflTice '-" Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 37. I' p 2