Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/298

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292 DUUHAM. of Durham cathedral ">-. A conge crelire vice bishop Nevill issued ist Au^^. 1457^'^; notwithstanding which, the Pope, although John Arundell, the King^s physician, had been recommended by his ^lajesty, promoted 1457 Lawrence Bothe, dean of London^ who was consecrated 36 25th Sept. and obtained the temporalities 1 8th Oct. 1457'^'. He was translated to York in 1476. 1476 William Dudley, dean of Windsor and archdeacon of 16 Edw. IV. Middlesex., was promoted to this see by papal provision, and the temporalities were restored to him 14th Oct. J 476 9^. He died in 1483, and was buried in the chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas in Westminster Abbey. The see was vacant for nearly two years beticeen the death of bishop Dudley and the consecration of his successor. 1485 John Shirwode, archdeacon of Bichmond and chancellor 3 Ric. III. of Exeter^ was provided to this see by the Pope, and was confirmed by the archbishop loth Aug. 1485^^; the temporalities were restored to him on the i6th of the same month ^^. He died 12th Jan. 1493-4, and was buried in the English college at Rome, as ap[)ears by his epitaph there ^^. 1494 Richard Fox, bishop of Bath and Wells, was translated 10 Hen. VII. to Durham, and obtained the temporalities of the see 8th Dec. 1494-^9. He was translated to Winchester in 1501. 1502 William Sever ^ or Siveyer, bishop of Carlisle and 18 1. 92 Reg.W. Booth Ebor. Angl. ^ Reg. Rotherham. Ebor. Sacra, pars i. p. 777. ^7 Pat. 3 Ric. III. m. 9. ^ Pat. 35 p. 2. m. 7. ^'^ Hie jacet R. Pater Joannes 9-* Pat. 36 p. i. m. 7. Shirwode episcopusDunelraensia The temporalities were seized into serenissimi Regis Angliae Orator, the King's hands 28th Dec. 1462, qui obiit xii Januariii493, cujus and again restored 17th April anima in pace quiescat. 1464. »y Pat. 10 Hen.VH. m. 8. '^'» Pat. 16 Edw. IV. p. 2. m. ^ Simones, Sinwes vel Senwse. 3^. Hist. Dunelm,