Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/300

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^94 DURHAM. granted to him 4th Feb.^^ and plenary restitution of them 25th March ^^. In 1551 he was deprived and confined in the Tower of London by king Edward VI, but restored to his bishopric by queen Mary^^. He was again deprived by queen Ehzabeth, and placed in honorable custody in Lambeth palace, where he died 18th Nov. 1559, in the 85th year of his age, and was buried in Lambeth parish church. His will was proved 30th Jan. 1559—60. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Cuthbert Tunstall issued 26th Dec. 156017 ; in pursuance of which, 1561 James Pilkington, S.T.B., was elected, and received 3 Eliz. the royal assent to his election 20th Feb. 1560— 61 1^. He was consecrated 2nd March following, and ob- tained restitution of the temporalities on the 25th of the same month ^^, and again 13th June 1566 -0. He died 23rd Jan. 1575-6, setat. ^f^^ and was buried at Bishop's Auckland ; but his body was afterwards (24th May) removed and deposited in the choir of Durham cathedral ^^ A conge d'elire vice bishop Pilkington issued 27th March 1577 '2. 1577 Richard Barnes, bishop of Carlisle^ was elected to 19 Eliz. Durham, pursuant to the abovementioned license, 5th April 1577'^^. He obtained the royal assent on the J 9th of the same month -^, the archbishop's confirma- tion 9th May following - and the temporalities on the 29th of that month ■-^. He died 24th Aug. 1587, setat. 55-^7^ and was buried in Durham cathedral. 1589 Matthew Hutton, dean of York^ S.T.P., was elected 31 Eliz. ^th June 1589, confirmed 26th July, and consecrated the next day-*^. He was translated to York 24th '* Pat. 21 Hen. VI II. p. 2.m.6. '^^ Pat. 19 Eliz. p. 11. m. 7. If' Ibid. 23 Reg. Sandys. Ebor. ifi Pat. 1 Mar. p. 10. m. 5. 24 Pat. 19 Eliz. p. 11. m. 7. 17 Pat. 3 Eliz. p. 7. m. 3. 26 Rgg. Ebor. 18 Ibid. 1 Ibid. -^ Pat. 19 Eliz. p. 1 1. m. 7. 20 Pat. 8 Eliz. p. 9. m. 38. '-7 Ex Epitaphio. 21 Ex Epitaphio. 28 Reg. Piers. Ebor.