Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/301

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BISHOPS. ^95 March 1595^^^. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Hutton, is dated 25th March 1595^^ in pursuance of which, 1595 Tobias Matthew, dean of Durham^ was elected. He 37EUZ. obtained the royal assent 7th April 1595 ^^ and the temporalities on the 29th of the same month 3-2. He was translated in Aug. 1606. i6c6 William James, president of University college, Oxford, 4Jac. I. and dean of Durham, succeeded birhop Matthews in the see of Durham. He obtained permission to be consecrated within the province of Canterbury 3^^ and that ceremony was accordingly performed 7th Sept. 1606. He died 12th May 161 7, and was buried in Durham cathedral. His will was proved 4th July 1617^^. The conge d'elire, vice bishop James, is dated 26th May 1617 3^, in pursuance of which, 1617 Richard Neil or Neale, bishop of Lincoln, was elected 15 Jac. I. bishop of Durham, and received the royal assent 30th June 16173^, and the temporalities 23rd Oct. follow- ing7. Having obtained permission 3rd Oct. to re- ceive confirmation within the province of Canterbury, he was accordingly confirmed on the 9th of that month. He was translated to Winchester in 1628, and 19th Feb. of that year a conge d'elire, vice bishop Neile, was sent to the dean and chapter of Durham •^^, in pursuance of which, 1628 George Monteigne, bishop of London, was elected, 3 Car. I. but almost immediately afterwards removed to York, and another license to elect a bishop was sent to the dean and chapter 4th July 1628^, and 1628 John Howson, bishop of Oxford, having been elected, 4 Car. I. 2^ Reg. Whitg. pars ii. f. 45. '^ Reg. Bancroft. '■^* Fat. 37 Kliz. J). I. 111.5. '^ Cope. 57,

    • ' Il)i«l. •■'• Pat. 15 .lac. I. p. 24. N". 6.

•*^ Ibid, lie is said to have ^^ Ibid. N". 5. been consecrated in Aj)ril 1594. '^^ Ibid. N". 4. but the recordh of that year are '"^ Fat. 3 Car. I. p. 39 N'>. i. not extant. •*•' Fat. 4 Car. I. j). 37. N". 9.