Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/307

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ARCHDEACONS. 301 Earl Cornwallisj bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Ob. 1 6th March 1827. John Banks Jenkinson, bishop of St. DavicTs^ 13th June 1827, vice Charles Henry Hall deceased. George Waddington, 25th Sept. 1840, vice John Banks Jenkinson, bishop of St. David's, deceased. No valuation in Ecton. ARCHDEACONS. Leobwyn seems to have been the first archdeacon of Durham, and was the chief cause of the murder com- mitted by bishop Walchere's servants, in revenge for which the bishop himself and all his family, and this Leobwyn amongst them, were slaughtered ii Id. Mai. (14th) 1080^7. After this murder, the name of arch- deacon became so odious to the people, that the suc- ceeding bishop thought proper to sink the title, and to vest the power in the prior of Durham ; but after some time, when the murder was forgotten, the title and office were resumed, and this seems to have been done about the beginning of the twelfth century. Aldwine died possessed of this dignity 12th April 1087. Turcot was made bishop of St. Andrews in 1 108. Michael, archdeacon , subscribed as a witness to a deed of Bishop Ralph's ^^. He seems to have been the first after Leobwyn, who resumed the title and office as a distinct person from the prior. To him in this dignity succeeded Robert ; he held the dignity in 1 129^^. TuRSTiNus archidiaconus occurs temp, bishop William, circa 1143. Wazo ; the time of his coming in docs not appcar7o, but he was possessed of it ist Dec. 1 1477'. ^ Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 703. ^ Angl. Sacr. parg i. p. 786.

    • Hiit. Dunelrn. ClaiidiuH, 7o ihid.

l>. iv. 71 Hist. Dunclm.Claiid. D.iv.