Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/308

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302 DURHAM. Ranulph held it about 1150. Laurence, archdeacon of Durham, and Laurence, the prior, went to Rome in 1 153 to defend the election of bishop Hugh Pudsey"-. William was archdeacon of Durham in 1174"'^. John subscribed by this title as witness to a deed of bishop Hugh's about 1 1 80 "^. BucHARD PuDSEY held it in 1190, and died possessed of this dignity viii Id. Dec. (6th) 1196"^ Emerick or Haimerick de Tailboys was possessed of it in 1J9876. By this title he had a prebend in the church of Lichfield conferred on him by the King, 18th Feb. 1 2 13 77. William was archdeacon of Durham in 12 19, as ap- pears by an ancient inscription in a window of the hall of University college, Oxon. He was probably the same as William de Lanum ; if so, his name occurs again 28th April 1234'*^. Thomas de Axe sty was archdeacon of Durham and Northumberland about the year 1 250. Robert de S. Agatha was collector of the tenths in the diocese of Durham, 7th Sept. 12677*^. He held the dignity in 127 1. Anthony de Bek or Beake was possessed of this dig- nity in 1274 and 1 283*^0 : in the last of which years he became bishop of this sec®^ William de Luda, Anglice Lowth, had it in 1284^-, and he from this dignity was promoted to the see of Ely in 1290®^. S. DE Farlington held it in 1296. Thomas de Goldesburgh was possessed of this dig- 72 Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 720. "8 Claus. 19 Hen. III. m. 13. 73 Cartular. S. Albani. MS. 79Pat. 5[ Hen. III. 7th Sept. Cotton, Tiberius, F. vi. f. 116. Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 740. 74 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 513. ^ Ryraer, vol. ii. p. 49, 237. 7- Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 727. ^' Pat. 11 Edw. I. m. 13. 7fiAnnal.Dunelm, MS. Cotton. ^'- Pat. 12 Kdw. I. 22nd Aug. "^^ Pat. 15 Joh. '^'^ Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 638.