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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/312

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306 DURHAM. ThoiMas de Anesty was presented by the King to this dignity 5th April 1 248 ^^ Thomas de Hereford died possessed of this dignity in Octavis S. Laurentii, ( — Aug.) 1253 ^^• Richard de Middleton was archdeacon of Northum- berland 23rd Sept. 1270^®. Nicholas de Wells was possessed of it 3rd April 131119. Robert Pickering from this dignity was elected dean of York 12th June 13 12 2°. Thomas Charlton or Cherlton, LL.D., from this dignity was made bishop of Hereford in i327'2 John de Carleton was presented by the King to this dignity i6th Feb. 1327-822. Edmund Howard held it in 1343. William de Shrewsbury about 1355. John de Bamburgh was possessed of this dignity 22nd June 136223. Richard de Bernardscastle_, collated 30th Sept. 1362. Thomas Duffield held it 19th Aug. 1369. William de Beverley, collated in Jan. 1369. John de Derby was presented by the King to this dignity 3rd Dec. 1370^4. John Repham was possessed of it in 1386^^; also 30th Oct. 139926. John de Dalton, ratified 12th Feb. 1405-7. John Rickengale held it in 1408. Henry Eton in 1410. John Rickengale again in 1411. 16 Pat. 33 Hen. III. m. 6. 22 Pat. 2 Edw. III. p. i. m. 30. 17 Matt. Westm. sub anno, p. ^.s Rymer, vol. 'i. p. 373, 256. 24 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 5. l« Pat. 55 Hen. III. m. 4. 25 Reg. Lond. ii> Reg. Grenefeld, Ebor. 26 Pat. i Hen. IV. m. 16. 20 Ibid. 27 Pat. 6 Hen. IV. m. 35. 21 Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 760.