308 DURHAM. William P'lathers was collated 24th Nov. 1636: he resigned in 1638. EvERARD GowER, collatcd 9th May 1638. Isaac Basire was collated 24th Aug. 1644. He died 12th Oct. 1676, setat. 69. William Turner was collated to this archdeaconry 30th Oct. 1676. He died 20th April 1685-^. John Moreton was collated 5th Oct. 1685. Robert Booth, 15th May 1691. Thomas Sharp, 27th Feb. 1722—3. Thomas Robinson, 17th Aug. 1758, vice Thomas Sharp deceased. John Sharp, 2i8t April 1762, vice Thomas Robinson deceased. Robert Thorpe, 22nd May 1792, vice John Sharp deceased. Reynold Gideon Bovvyer, 9th May 1812, vice Robert Thorpe deceased. Thomas Singleton, Feb. 1826, vice Reynold Gideon Bowyer deceased. William Forbes Raymond, 9th April 1 842, viceThomas Singleton. ARCHDEACONS OF LINDISFARNE Edward Thomas Bigge, 15th Sept. 1842. George Bland, 7th May 1844. PREBENDARIES. FIRST STALL. Edward Hyndmers, appointed by the charter of found- ation, dated 12th May 1541. He died in the year 1543- John Crayford or Crayforth was installed in 1543. Robert Swyft was collated 28th March 1562. 2 Ex Epitaphio, ^ Created by order in council 27th Aug. 1842.
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