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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/324

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318 DURHAM. Ralph Tonstall was installed 8th Nov. 1580. He died in March 16 18— 19. AuGusTiN LiNDSELL, Collated 5th March 1618-19, in- stalled 1st April 1619, and resigned this prebend for the second stall in Aug. 1620. Daniel Birkhead was installed 3rd Aug. 1620, and died in 1624. John Cosin was collated ^th Dec. 1624. Daniel Brevint was presented lyth Dec. 1660, and installed 15th March following; he resigned. He died 5th May 1695, being dean of Lincoln. Sancroft resigned this stall in 1675. Thomas Holdsworth, nth May 1675. Thomas Musgrave, 10th July 1675, FiTZHERBERT Adams resigned this stall for the sixth prebend in Aug. 1685. He was again presented 7th June 1695, and installed 8th Jan. following. William Hartwell was presented 14th June 171 1, having been removed from the ninth stall. George Sayer was presented loth June 1725. Thomas Sharpe was presented i8th Oct. 1732. Henry Vane was presented 25th March 1758. Francis Haggitt was presented 23rd June 1794. George Townsend 2nd Aug. 1825. ELEVENTH STALL. Robert Bennet was appointed 12th May i54i, by the foundation charter. He died in 1558. Anthony Salwyn was installed 12th Oct. 1.558, but was deprived in the following year. John Henshaw was installed 29th Nov. 1559, and died the next year. Adam Holyday was installed ist Jan. 1560-61. Clement Colmor was installed 5th May 1590. He died J 8th June 1619". Ferdinand Morecroft was coUatwl 14th July 1619. " Ex Epitaphio.