Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/348

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ETON COLLEGE. FOUNDED BY KING HENRY VI IN 14401. PROVOSTS OF ETON. Henry Sever or Siveyer'^, was appointed the first provost of Eton, by the foundation charter nth Oct. 1 440 3. William Waynflete was provost in 1443*. From this dignity he was made bishop of Winchester in 1447 ^ John Clerk, S.T.B., died provost 7th Nov. 1447 ^ Thomas Kempe held the office 30th Oct. 14497. William Westbury, S.T.B., was elected in 1448^. He died on the eve of the feast of St. Gregory (nth March) 1477, and was buried in the college chapel^. Henry Bost or Boost, S.T.B., held the office 30th July 1478^*^: he died possessed of this dignity 7 th Feb. 1 503 ^ and was buried in the college chapel. He was ap- ' Pat. 19 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 40, Hen. VI. p. 3. m. 17. et p. 2. m. 20. John Stanbury "* Pat. 22 Hen. VI. p. i. in. 3. is said by Leland to have been et Pat. 23 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 23. designed by king Henry VI to - Reg. Alnewyk, Episc. Line, be the provost of this college, ^ Fuller, Ch. Hist. Cent. 15. but he does not appear to have b. iv. p. 184. had possession of the office. He " Pat. 28 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 18. became bishop of Bangor in ^ Fidler, Ch. Hist. Cent. 15. 1448. b. iv. J). 184. 2 He was afterwards warden of ^ Ex Epitaphio. Merton college, Oxford. "^ Pat. 18 Edw.IV. p. 2. m. 25. 3 Pat. 19 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 20 *' Ex Epitaphio. et Ibid. p. 3. See also Pat. 19