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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/354

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348 WESTMINSTER. William Bill or Byll,S.T.P., master of Trinity college^ Cambridge, was installed 3otli June 1560: he died 15th July 1 56 1, being also provost of Eton, and was buried in the chapel of St. Bennet in the abbey. Gabriel Goodma's,S.T. P., prebendar?/ of the twelfth stall, was promoted to the deanery 23rd Sept. 156 1. He died 17th June 1601, aBtat. 73, and was buried in the same chapel with his predecessor. I^ANCELOT Andrews, S.T. P., prebendary of the eleventh stalls succeeded in this deanery 4th July 1601. In 1 605 he was made bishop of Chichester ; and subse- quently bishop of Ely and of Winchester. Richard Neyle or Neale, S.T.P., was installed 5th Nov. 1605, and 9th Oct. 1608 he was consecrated bi- shop of Rochester, but held this deanery in commen- dam with it till his translation to Coventry and Lich- field in 1 610. George Monteine or Mountaigne, S.T.P., was in- stalled loth Dec. 1 6 10; and 14th Dec. 161 7 he was consecrated bishop of Lincoln. Robert Townson, S.T.P., was installed i6thDec.i6i7, and 9th July 1620 he was consecrated bishop of Salis- bury -^y. John Williams, S.T.P._, was installed loth July 1620^^'. On nth Nov. 1621 he was consecrated bishop of Lin- coln, and 4th Dec. 1641 was translated to York; but he obtained leave to hold this deanery in commendam during all the time of his being bishop of Lincoln, and likewise for three years after his translation to York. Richard Steward, S.T.P., clei'k of the closet, was made dean of Westminster by the King in 164^, upon the expiration of archbishop Williams's commendam ; but he was never installed. He died at Paris 14th Nov. 1651, fetat. 58, and was buried in the suburbs of St. Germain. Vacant till after the Restoration. 39 Camd. Annal. Jac. I. ^ Ibid.