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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/361

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PREBENDARIES. :^^55 either in the cathedral church of Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford, or in Westminster, in each of which churches he was a dignitary. He was buried 7 th June 1607, in Hereford cathedral. George Barrel, S.T.P., was installed 8th June 1 607, and died in Oct. 1631. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 62^ Peter Heylin, S.T.P., was nominated 4th Nov., and installed 9th Nov. 1631. He lost all his spiritualities in the time of the Rebellion, but was restored on the return of king Charles the Second. He died 8th May 1662, and was buried in the Abbey. SEVENTH STALL. Humphrey Charite or Perkins, D.D., was appointed the first in this stall, 17th Dec. 1540. Francis Mallet was installed 31st March 1^53) ^^^^ Humphrey Perkins ^^. Alphonsus de Salinas was installed 12th May 1554, loco Perkins. Prebendaries of this stall since the settlement hy queen Elizaheth. Alexander Nowell, M.A., was appointed the first in this stall by the Queen's patent, dated 2 1 st June 1 560^^. He resigned this prebend about 1361. John Hill, S.T.B., installed 14th Dec. 1561, and re- signed in 1568. John Pory, M.A., was installed 27th Sept. 1568. Thomas Aldrich or Aldridge, master of Corpus Christi college^ Camhridfje, installed 13th Nov. 1570. John Still, S.T.P., was admitted to this stall in 1573. Thomas Ravis, S.T.B., installed 2nd Feb. 1592-3. He was afterwards bishop of London.

  • ^ St. John, 135. '^•'^ Reg. Westrn.

^'^ Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 13. in. .-,. Z Z 2